Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Jet Blue Announces It's Customers Bill of Rights....

Another Jet Blue Plane....... Still Stuck on the Runway..

Yep, Jet Blue dropped the ball bigtime this week. I definitely would not want to spend 10 hrs. on the tarmac if it's snowing. Blue has had a sterling reputation for customer service, and I guess they are trying to take steps to retain that standing. They're giving the customers some cash and they're now releasing their Customer Bill of Rights. Here are the first few Amendments:

1. We'll stop De-icing the plane so we can take off faster.

2. Unlimited free peanuts and Open Bar.

3. Flight Attendants will take a poll of customers whether to take off or not.

4. Softer T.P. in the john.

5. Customers may "cane" or "Paddle" any member of Jet Blue's staff if not satisfied with their service. CEO is not included.

6. You may stop at ANY city while flying between cities. Simply pull the rope on the side, and the plane will land in the nearest city.

7. Jet Blue will disregard all carry-on requirements of the FAA on it's flights. Bring those automatic weapons and chuck sticks anytime !

8. If a pilot refuses to take a plane off after the customer poll, any customer will be allowed to fly it. Note: You break it, you bought it!

9. Go ahead, take the TV home with you!

10. Meet your new flight attendant........ Brooke Burke!!


Anonymous said...

I ain't never flown Jet Blue but with the new Flight Attendant Brooke Burke I will give it a try. Now she is one person I could spend eleven hours on a Tarmac with especially in First Class. Yesterday I was on a U S Airways flight from Charlotte to New York City and we pulled away from the gate to only sit on the Tarmac from 404 PM until 520 PM due to winds in the North East. We were informed before we left the gate but only after the door was shut. U S Airways did a pretty good job with the clients they had on board. We had a full flight and I was in First Class so I had a cocktail and snacks. The Coach people I really cannot say but believe they did serve water maybe soft drinks and snacks. We were also allowed to use our lap tops, phone etc. while we sat and waited. The rest rooms were at our disposal as well. No movie which was unusual. This was a older 737-300. I have sat on the runway or tarmac longer before but I believe since what has happened lately with Jet Blue, United Express and Northwest caused U S Airways to handle this situation better. It is always better to be sitting in the front of the plane when these problems occur. I can tell you more reasons why but this is long enough.

Thoroughbred 401k said...

Talk as long as you want, MG. Thanks for joining the party, and comment anytime.

Anonymous said...

I'll write another response when they let me off the plane...

Anonymous said...

ok, if Brooke Burke is my flight attendant you can leave me on the plane and i will get off in a different manner thank you...

Anonymous said...

Great comment Bobby especially the last one