Sunday, August 31, 2008
JibJab Gets You Ready For The Big Push ....

Sarah Palin , Sportscaster ????

The GOP Convention Makes History Before It Even Has Started...

Saturday, August 30, 2008
Has the Identity of the Zodiac Killer Been Found?

What Other People Are Doing This Weekend: Pics From the Penn State - Coastal Carolina Game.
I'm having a very boring Labor Day weekend, folks. Ben's been a little shot on funds, so I'm staying at home this weekend, so I can throw a few bucks his way. That and there's other things coming up I'm trying to prepare for. So, I'm home this weekend.
I'm watching Clemson get pummeled by Alabama right now - Moye cannot be happy, but luckily, he's on his way to St. Paul... It was nice to watch East Carolina upset Virginia Tech - something that never happened when I went there. Since it's dull here, I decided to post soem pics Bobby sent from the football game at Happy Valley, PA. At least Coastal Carolina got a big paycheck...
Boy, those seats are UP THERE ..........
More Funny SNL Clips: Uncle Jemima.

Want the Inside Scoop On the GOP Convention? Don't Read Our Blog ..

You might wonder why I don't have a Blogroll listing other blogs that I recommend. Well, the reason is simple - I don't know how. By now, if you're a consistent reader, you know Earl and Moye. Moye will be going to Minnesota this weekend to serve as a delegate to the Republican National Convention, where he will be reporting daily on the happenings on the way to nominating John McCain and Sarah Palin.
As great a friend as Moye is, if you we're planning on reading about it here, don't hold your breath. As usual, Earl was two steps ahead of me, and he asked Moye to post for his blog. That's why Earl's blog is more respected than mine. Where Earl thinks about events coming up in two weeks, I'm thinking, "Maybe I should write a post on what I had for Lunch."
So, if you want the inside skinny on the GOP Convention, go on over to The Blogland of Earl Capps, and stay informed..... Here is the link to Earl's Blog.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Looks Like the Other VP Candidates "Palin" Comparison In McCain's Mind...

Thursday, August 28, 2008
First Lesbian Married in San Francisco Dies..

Ray Nagin Gets a Second Chance....

America, The Time Has Come to Rejoice - Football Season Is Back !!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Hillary Throws Herself Behind Obama's Nomination, But Will Her Supporters Listen ?

Okay, they're not DNC delegates - they're actually contestants in a 'Thriller' dance contest. But The Democrats, and Team Obama hope that former Hillary Clinton supporters do act like zombies, and follow Hillary Clinton's advice to vote for Barack Obama. Of course, the 900 pound gorilla in the room is, will they?
After watching MSNBC ogle over how united and convincing the Unity Parade seems between Clinton and Obama, I have some serious doubts. I didn't catch Hillary's speech last night. I was at a AFSCME banquet here in Denver, and I hooked up with a DNC staffer from Kansas - I think. Okay, I was at home, and I went to bed at 900PM. From what I saw today on it, I didn't really miss a whole lot. Personally, I'm satisfied with Clinton's attempt to patch things up, and I really don't think her and Obama have a serious rift. She knows her political future is tied to Obama winning, and maybe, her time has passed....
The real trouble is with Obama and Bill Clinton. Clinton sees himself as a political deity - like the GOP viewed Reagan even after he retired. Obama sees himself as the present and future of the Democratic Party. He is the Big Dog now, and it irks Bill Clinton. Will the words that come out of Bill's mouth really be that important tonight? If you have a brain, not at all......
Clinton can apologize over and over, and tell you to vote for Obama a zillion times over, but if you have watched this year's Primary AT ALL, you know that Clinton thinks Obama is a novice, and he isn't ready to be President. Words are just that - words. Actions are how you judge people, and Bill Clinton's actions tell you exactly what you need to know. He thinks he got robbed of his chance to get back into the White House, and he is angry......
It's not all just Bill's fault though. Obama could have made a step or two to really convince voters that the split is over. While the Clinton's were on stage, trying to make amends, where was Obama? Nowhere to be found. Getting Obama and the Clinton's on the stage at the same time in unison would be a viable sign that they have made - not to mention, one helluva photo opportunity..... Instead, he's in Kansas City - or St. Louis. Even he didn't remember....
Now, it's all in the voters hands. Will they flock like lemmings and vote for Obama, or will they make up their own minds, and vote for Obama or John McCain? Some will follow Clinton's words, some will stray.....We'll see.
SC6 Classic Comedy Rewind: Eddie Murphy's SNL Clip, "White Like Me".

Time for a good laugh. Here is an old Saturday Night Live clip from the early 80's. It's Eddie Murphy's take on the famous book 'Black Like Me', but instead, Murphy flips it around, imitating a white guy.
It's kinda ironic that Murphy mentions that there are 'Two Americas' - looks like John Edwards wasn't the inventor of the term after all........ Mostly, it's just a funny clip. Hope you like the trip back in time, or for you kids, the lesson Comedy History 101.....
The Upside of High Gas Prices..

Need Help On Your Pickup Lines? We're Here to Help All We Can..

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
It's Finally Here: The SC6 Interview With Christa Woomer, The Planters Unibrow Lady !!

Monday, August 25, 2008
Hi, I'm Madonna, And I'm a Big Asshole.

It Sure Isn't The Barenaked Ladies Best Year...

Will Obama and Hillary Make Nice in Denver ?

The Dems Hit Denver, Let The Party Begin !!!

SC6 is coming to you live from the press pool area of the Pepsi Center in Denver for the Democratic National Convention. Yeah, i know - I wasn't supposed to be here, but I made some alternate travel plans. Let's just say that there's a lady missing a cat, and in Denver, you'll just have to call me Mr. Brokaw. Necessity is the mother of invention......
For those of you not familiar, political conventions are the same as any other convention. It's an opportunity for everyone to get out of town and party their asses off. You may not know this but there will be approximately 400 different parties at the conventions here and in St. Paul. You heard right - FOUR HUNDRED. That's 50 a day. Every day....
Now, I didn't find this out myself. Thanks to our friends at the Sunlight Foundation, you can get a total list of all the companies, unions, and organization out to sway the delegates, the politicians, and to raise some duckets. If you want to see who's doing what, here is the link:
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Post Number 1400.... Or Is It ??

This is a vase from the Myceneum Period in Germany, Circa 1400. BC, that's old, Man. Yes, older than John McCain.
Learn Something About Life With Coach Wooden's Pyramid For Success

Here's something you guys can post on your wall at the office or at home. It's called Wooden's Pyramid, the basis of UCLA Basketball coach John Wooden's leadershio style. Wooden won the NCAA Championship an amazing 9 out of 10 years before retiring in 1975. Wooden worked on this for 50 years , constantly changing it and modifying it - another case to show that no matter how good you are, there is always room to improve in life....
My advice is if you manage a business or team, your employees can use this to improve. If you don't, and you have any sense of self-introspection, there are countless parts of the pyramid you can apply to yourself. Just go point by point, and ask yourself, "Is this soemthing I can work on?" If not, congratulations - you are perfect...
Here's a link to the PDF:
Swami Puts It On the Record: Ridge to be VP Pick.

SC6 Olympic Coverage Ends With Bush in China..

After a long 17 days, the Beijing Olympics are coming to a close. There have been plenty of highs - Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt breaking world records like they were nothing. And some lows - the psycho attack on the first day, Russia invading Georgia, and the cloud over the Chinese girls (as opposed to women's) gymnastics team.
Overall, it was pretty good, although I'll admit, I didn't watch a whole lot of the coverage. I'm not a huge Taekwondo fan.. The biggets star at the Olympics had to be President Bush. Everywhere you looked on the first week, there he was. Eventually, he did have to come home, but he left a great trail of photo ops for us to remember his visit. Here is the link to it, and I just have to reiterate one point - Barbara Bush is definitely the hotter of the Bush twins !!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
McCain Expects to Lose 15 Points This Week ??

Need a Vacation Idea? Try a Finger Lakes Food and Wine Tour...

Obama Picks Biden for VP..... Uh, Okay..

Uncle Jay Explains Why Congress Takes All Summer Off For 'Vacation'...

Friday, August 22, 2008
Welcome to the Shortest Pregnancy In History.... Jamie's Already Had Her Baby..

Alabama Finally Hits Their Obese State Employees in the Pocketbook ..

Politics Explained In a Nutshell, Via The Parable of The Hot Air Balloonist and The Fisherman...

Thursday, August 21, 2008
It's Back to School, Folks !!

Want a Free Sheryl Crow CD? Just Register Three Friends to Vote - Democrat , Of Course !!

Which Super Villain Best Represents You? Take the Quiz Here on SC6...

Inside of every one of us, there is a superhero, and a villain. While finding out if you match up with Spiderman, Batman, Ironman, Aquaman or Superman would be nice, it's a bit boring. I want to know which bad seed I have more in common with...
I you want to know which Super Villain best represents you, take this quiz I found today. It works like one of those personality tests you take when you apply for a job - Strongly Yes to Strongly No, left to right. based on those answers, they give you your Villain Match. Let me know who you came up with. By the way, I'm a Two Face..... No shit!!
Barack Obama Causing Black Republicans to Switch - Both of Them....

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Strom Thurmond, A Hypocrite ?? Blasphemers !!!

It's a Tough Day In Music and Politics..

Today we lost a pair of people who, while not from the same genres of life, were both part of the overall cosmos in this goofy thing we call life. LeRoi Moore, the saxophone player from the Dave Matthews Band, passed away from complications after an ATV accident he suffered in Virginia nearly two months ago. Soon afterwards, word came that Ohio Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs-Jones died from a massive brain aneurysm in Cleveland. She was 58, Moore was 46.
I was a big DMB fan - not the kind that quit his job for six months to follow the tour, but I knew a lot of the songs, and had a few CD's. Moore's jazzy sax playing helped Matthews music stick out from the crowd of bands in the 90's. They were a tight, cohesive unit that really didn't feature any one artist, despite the band's name...
As for Tubbs-Jones, while I didn't agree with her politically, she had a style that didn't offend the White Republican, which is nice. Disagree all you want, but keep it respectful and positive to achieve results. However, I was impressed with her more than ever this Spring and Summer. Being an African-American woman, she had the toughest challenge of all people when choosing a candidate for the Democratic Party. While she could have just have thought of herself as a black woman, she went with her gut, and chose Hillary Clinton, and stuck with her til the very end. That is to be commended, and she probably was right..
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The Veepstakes Is About Over, and Both Go for the Old Guys...