Tuesday, February 13, 2007

My Return to Politics: Florence County GOP Meeting..

I finally attended a political function, when I went to the Florence GOP Meeting last night. The keynote speaker was Jason Miller, Gov. Sanford's Deputy Chief of Staff , and a big Mike Reino fan.........I think.

Miller's focus was to round up support for reorganization of the State's agencies, and it's elected positions. It was interesting to see him assault the DOT for it's recent failures, while watching a Senator's Chief of Staff squirm a bit. I hate to see it, but it appears that the Senate is still hellbent on stopping any sensible legislation that might lessen their power. Too bad.

I'm not sure what my position in the local party is, now that I'm not running for office. I had a few 'Whatcha doing now"'s, but it was pretty quiet. I had more comments on the blog that anything else, mostly positive - as long as you consider "throwing vinegar in ( enter name here)'s eyes" a positive statement - which I do.

The funny part is seeing some people jump out of the woodwork now that their seats are up for grabs again. No one shows up to meetings, fundraisers or anything else for 2 or 3 years, then they show up on Opening Day. I'm not sure if I'll be going for a position or not. Publish your comments here. Would I be more effective as a party insider, or am I better as a "Wild Card" ?


  1. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Hay Mike, You can't ever change an organization from the outside. The only way is to get in there and get your hands dirty. Here in O.burg we keep tilting at windmills but at least we keep trying. I'd rather loose working and trying than loose by default.
    Come see us sometime. We will let you talk even if you aren't running for anything. R.Lindsey

  2. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Call me for more details. You know what I would like for you to do is run for the Chairman or the Executive Committeeman for Florence County. I did see your leader at the EC meeting in Columbia a couple of weeks ago when Rudy spoke and Congressman GB. The guy is beginning to be very friendly and that is a real plus. Florence County should be the leader of the Pee Dee in the GOP and in a way it is due to the number of votes. Now as far as getting speakers and candidates to the local meetings you know we in Clarendon can beat our neighbor and so can Sumter County. What I want to see is joint meetings between the counties in this area and other cooperation. Right now we do not have that. Sumter and Clarendon is getting there and Orangeburg and Clarendon is working in that direction also. We even are approaching and getting the Williamsburg party involved with Clarendon to some extent. We are also working with the Dillon county party here in Clarendon. We may have a little more power at the next District convention if we can form a alliance. Anyone running for office within the party at a District level will need more votes than just Florence and you are the best known person in the District within the party due to the fact of all the meetings you attended for all the years. Think about it. There will be a number of vacancies/elections also change is good.

  3. Anonymous9:45 PM

    See the first conmment. I reckon Roy and I was online sending at the same time and he hit the send button before me. This is what I am talking about. He is a leader of a county party in the sixth district and he invites you back to Orangeburg. He is also a member of several committees at the SCGOP. Remember we also consider you a member here in Clarendon need I say more. Run Forrest run.

  4. Chair or Exec. Comm. would be nice, but Tommy and Shelby Phillips have a stranglehold on those gigs. I have the feeling running against them would splinter the local party up, which is the last thing it needs. I don't like the control being held in a single house, like some small fiefdom, but that's how it is.

  5. Anonymous10:17 PM

    The Florence party is already split someone needs to bring them back together. It goes deeper than Tommy and Shelby.

  6. Mike, run for something dammit! They need a pragmatic workhorse who has been out there, busted ass, and paid their dues to help make the FC party an effective organization.

    Do I have to get on my blog and endorse you for something?

  7. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Might be a good idea Earl

  8. It looks like the 1st position may be available. I'm not sure T-Bone wnats me there. He runs the party with a Stalin-like fist. Not much discussion on who gets what.

  9. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Stalin has been dead a long time. He may be still on display somewhere. You need to run for something Mike or move down I-95 south and we will take care of you.
