Wednesday, February 14, 2007

This Week in Congress: Everyone on the Hill Gives Their Two Cents on Iraq - Some Eloquently, Some Uhhh.......

I've been watching C-SPAN for the last two days after work, to get an opportunity to hear some of America's best speak on President Bush's proposal to increase the troops in Iraq by 21,500. Most of the speeches are okay, some were pretty bad (Reps. Capps and Fortenberry - stay home next time).
This will continue for the next couple days, as each member will get 5 minutes to voice his or her opinion. And like crackheads that can't stay off the rock, Congress can't stay away from the microphone on C-SPAN. What I would have liked to see is a forum like the old high school math contests - put the best 3 of each team on the panel to argue the point. If the GOP would jut have let John McHugh(R-NY) and Dave Reichert(R-WA) speak only, America would have a good idea of why we are there. But everyone HAS to talk, and the quality in the message gets washed up and diluted.
After 4 years, it's funny how facts get a little eschewed over time. Here's a few points that I think have been forgotten over time.
1. By removing troops from Iraq, we would be evacuating, not redeploying .
2. We did not go into Iraq because they WMD's or that they were tied to Al-Qaeda. It was because Saddam Hussein refused the UN weapons inspectors access to checking for WMD's, thus creating a threat to other nations, including the US.
3. You cannot lay the blame solely on President Bush and not General Petraeus, when the plan Bush is pushing is Petraeus' plan. If you do so, you are not support both of them.
4. The current situation in Iraq is not Civil War. It is a war that is fed by terrorist groups worldwide, along with the governments of Syria and Iran. It is a sample platter of freedom vs. terrorism.
5. Winning the House and Senate in November was not a mandate to leave Iraq.
Like anyone else, I'd like to see our men and women come home. Right before the election, everyone seemed to be on the same page that 2007 was the make or break year. Unfortunately, the Democratic leadership has gone haywire, and just decided that cut and running is patriotic. None of the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group (including my nuclear option) has had time to be implemented, so give them that time to implement them. If it doesn't change, then it is time for re-evaluation.


  1. Anonymous10:07 PM

    I am a Bush man plain and simple. I back the war in Iraq. I do agree on most your points. I do believe losing the house and senate had a lot to do with this war and the way it is being presented by most news groups and the democrats. I am not sure if it is a civil war or not but believe most of it is caused by outside factors from Iran, Syria and others. I do believe we should take their oil and use it for ourselves. I also believe we should drop the big one on most of the entire middle east and remember I said most. If we do not take care of them over there we will fight them here. This I do know.

  2. Anonymous10:12 PM

    As a add on to above comment forgive me I am in the frozen North East stuck in a hotel. I believe Iraq should be divided into several countries as for sure their diversity cannot live in peace with all the factions they have. Remember Britain drew up the lines if I remember. One day if we do not learn to get along better here we may face the same fate with all our diversity. Let us all pray we can do better.

  3. The nuclear option wouldn't take long at all to implement. The ICBMs could be on their way in 30 minutes or less, and B-52s could be flying out Diego Garcia with cruise missiles in a few hours.

  4. Anonymous1:10 PM

    So the Dems have adopted the Monty Python "Run Away!" strategy... it does explain the arrows in the tops of their heads and the unique castanets that the Frogs are palying with.
