Friday, February 09, 2007

Why No One Stays in Upstate New York For Long.... 7 Feet High and Counting.........

Oswego, NY - the town where I graduated college - made news nationwide when the heavens dumped nearly seven feet of snow on it this week, and it hasn't and will not stop through the weekend. By the time it is over, forecasts have the total amounts to top TEN FEET! This is a picture of King Hall, where the alumni offices are - or at least were...

Oswego lies right on the southeast banks of Lake Ontario, where the winds constantly whip, and the lake effect snow can pile up. For those of you who have never experienced Lake effect snow, or it's nasty brother - The White Out - you have missed Mother Nature at her finest. The moist lake air meets the cold dry air on land, and POOF - Snow, and lots of it. Usually, the wind blows so strong, that the snow doesn't land until it's 10-20 miles down the road, but not this time.

Once, it snowed about three feet during finals. I guess I knew it was time to get out of Dodge when I was working in Rochester, and it snowed 17 inches one morning. It took me 2 hours to drive to work (to sell vacuums no less), and they want me to go out and work in that mess. As soon as it thawed, I left. Is it any wonder my college has 200 alumni in South Carolina alone?? Snow is nice around Christmas and New Years, but after 5 months , it has a habit of wearing you out.

Oh yeah.... SO MUCH FOR GLOBAL WARMING !!!!!!!!!


  1. Anonymous9:07 PM

    I never realized this is where you went to college. I was in Oswego the winter of 2005 for a couple of days. On business of course. A real nice town. I remember crossing a bridge and visiting believe it or not the Coast Guard station. The wind was blowing and where the protected harbor is the water was coming over the rocks which is a good way off shore. It was cold. Cannot remember where I stayed but it was about 30 minutes to a hour away I do remember it was a Doubletree Club by Hilton and the town where it was located was a lot bigger and also had a airport.

  2. Anonymous9:33 PM

    By the way Mike I am at LAX right now and the weather is great. Was at Manhattan Beach today eating fish tacos and drinking millionaire margaritas next week your old stomping ground Pittsburgh/Monaca, PA.

  3. Anonymous9:55 PM

    It was Syracuse Mike where I stayed when I had the project in Oswego. The alcohol is wearing off.

  4. That was my guess. There are only 2 motels in Oswego.

  5. Anonymous1:23 PM

    And you've been 86'ed from both, right?

  6. Anonymous9:19 PM

    This is a result of global warming...more severe weather and more weather extremes...Don't mess with me or Don Luehrs!!!

  7. Anon, actually the Dept. of Health hasn't recinded the notice yet....

    Bob, how does the overall rising of the Earth's temp caused more snow? That's the question I always ask when they bring this up. Explanation for the dummies here?

  8. Anonymous10:31 PM

    From Drudge, at least one world leader is questioning the validity of the UN party in Paris and Al Gore's sanity over humanity caused global warming.

    Considering that we've been in a cold spell, based on the fact that Greenland's name is in part due to the vineyards that Norweigans planted circa a millenia ago; "cherry picked" data no more supports global warming pseudo science than does missing data from the years that we didn't have accurate thermometers all over the world, much less an ability to measure the upper atmosphere levels of ozone (incidentally ozone is considered a pollutant), so some data may have been fabricated using tea leaves, trance channelers, ouija boards and wishful thinking.

  9. Anonymous6:02 PM

    I know this today in Monaca Pennsylvania was raw to say the least. Took me 140 minutes to drive 16 miles this morning and 85 minutes to drive back to my hotel this afternoon. To think last week I was in Southern California and had a driver. Sometimes the west coast or left coast ain't so bad.
