Good Night, Frau Pelosi........ BLUCHER !!
A chance showing of a classic Mel Brooks movie has created a contraversial habit among the House GOP Caucus: the making of horse whinnying sounds at the mere mention of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's name. The House Democratic leadership are up in arms.....
It all began a few weeks ago at a private Republican Caucus meeting. Morale was so low, that one of the members brought a copy of Young Frankenstein to cheer the group up. And so it began. " We were discussing the origin of "Blucher", and someone said "It means Pelosi", and it just took off from there." For those of you wondering, 'Blucher' does not mean glue in any language.
On the House floor, members will do the whinny at the mention of any of the following: Nancy Pelosi, Mrs. Pelosi, Ms. Pelosi, Madame Speaker, Miss Speaker, The Honorable Lady from California, and Hot Pants. Reportedly, one member asked Ms. Pelosi in the House Commissary "What type of Feed Bag are ya having today, Mrs. Ed?" And it has started to distract certain members of the House. Said a member on the condition of anonymity, " This is getting ridiculous. It sounds like a damned farm or a racetrack down there. I can't even think straight." Said another, "It is a bit disconcerting...... I was making a speech last week, and I accidentally called the Speaker Madame Blucher."
While the House of Representatives has rules regarding proper decorum, there is no rule specifically against making animal noises, so the whinnying will continue until it gets old..........or they grow up. Worse yet, it could spread to others. Said one GOP member, "We're gonna get Clyburn next.... I just got a copy of Blazing Saddles."
They are having the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo here right now. There will be over a million people visit it while it takes place and some great entertainment. Check it out on the WEB. Anyhow I bet ole Pelosi and the Dixie Chicks want be here or Clyburn either. Of course there will be other animals. A friends grandson is showing a pig tomorrow it will be whining.