Thursday, March 22, 2007

Holy Smokey!! No More 'Special Finish' at the Bo Bo Spa in Marion .........

A moment of silence....... Those killjoys over in the Marion County Sheriff's Office went on a sting at the Bo Bo Spa , and busted everyone. Included in closing the place was confiscating a boatload of alcohol...... sorry , Earl. I know how much wasting alcohol bothers you.

So, we say goodbye to all we'll miss.......... The Special Finish, the Basket Trick, and the Dirty Zhangzhez. Me love you long time..


  1. Anonymous11:26 PM

    why didn't you tell me ya'll had something like this going on up your way.

  2. for years, we have seen a growing internationalization of our workforce. immigrants are coming to our country to perform highly-skilled jobs that americans lack the skills or willingness to perform.

    this is a sign that these changes are reaching even the more rural areas, such as marion county. no doubt it was a major blow for many locals, and maybe even people from far beyond marion county.

    i have no doubt some people will be scratching themselves, trying to figure out how it happened.

    but what i wonder is how this will affect the ongoing debate over illegal immigration.

  3. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Well Earl, you know what that giant sucking sound is! NAFTA!

  4. Moye, they have been popping up around the area. The Ya Ya Spa is right across from the Old Jimmy Carter's - which is now Passions.

  5. Anonymous11:28 PM

    It is fact that in states which have legalized prostitution, the percentage of rape cases is which is worse, rape or prostitution? According to South Carolina, rape isn't quite as bad.

  6. Anonymous10:20 AM

    so hoss - does that explain the giant sucking sound from marion county?

  7. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Its that or something suckling on the welfare udder.

  8. Tons of posts filled with brilliant insight, and everyone comments on a whorehouse post!

  9. Anonymous10:49 PM

    It must be true Sex sells.

  10. Anonymous11:08 PM

    BO-BO Has reopened

  11. I just passed by it and I think they're open business. The big white fence protecting the identity of patrons was an indicator of nefarious activities.

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      They are open I'm on the way there now.
