Saturday, March 31, 2007

SC GOP Turns to Telemarketers.... Just What Everyone Loves... NOT!

With all of the focus on raising money, it looks as though our State Party hs decided to employ some pros to shake the last quarter out of our pockets. I had gotten calls with the ever-popular "Unknown ID" on it for about a week straight. So I finally answered it. Oops!
"Is this Mike?"
Uh, yeah.....
"I'm calling on behalf of the SC Republican Party. As you know, we're working hard to keep Hillary Clinton....."
At this point I stopped listening.
"Can you afford $75?"
By now, I'm cockily thinking to myself, "Don't you know who I am? I'm f***ing Mike Reino." Guess not. So I tell him, "Well, i'm going to the Silver Elephant Banquet, so that will be my donation this year." Actually, I may not go, because I'll be just getting back into the US from my trip that day.
"How about $50 ?"
It's starting to become a backwards auction - 75, 50, 25... can I get 25 ???
"Can you do $25?"
No, I'm gonna get back to work. Tell Katon I said hi..
All these solicitations from the 25 different Republican organizations that exist are starting to wear on me - the last thing we need are to get harrassed on the phone too. Guys, let's put an end to this ASAP.


  1. You think that's bad - wait until you get on the list of Mikki Hunter of the Knightsville GOP Women's Club.

  2. And they call Tom DeLay 'The Hammer'..

  3. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Almost as bad as the cubicle monkeys calling for the RNC and the Doofuses calling for the NRA that can't get my name right on a membership card or a soliciation list.

    It has been fun to ask for their home number so one can return a solicitation call at their leisure, at about 9:59PM...

  4. Anonymous1:49 PM

    We are all getting the calls. I just give them my 88 year old Mothers number where she can have someone to talk to.
