Friday, March 30, 2007

What I Learned From the Kennedy's...... AKA, Why I Will Not Run For VP.

Metaphors in Politics... The Car Is The Big Political Machine, and I am Myself... Where the heck is the Radiator on this thing????
By the way, that's my new car. I quit politics, and all of a sudden, I have extra cash.. Thanks to my buddy Earl, I made the SC Hotline news clips Friday - when all the major announcements happen. The strong undercurrent to recruit me (and former Senator Thompson) to lead the GOP ticket in '08 is gaining momentum. Unfortunately, I will have to pass. There are far too many BMW customers in Florence that depend on me to take the keys on their cars and fight with the technicians on their behalf to leave them now.
I understand, having me on the ticket give the Presidential candidate a lot of pluses. Next to me, any candidate looks smart, worldwise, and not so wimpy.. I have that far away, Dan Quayle, do-you-see-what-I-see look in my eyes. Also - chicks dig me, especially grandma's and African-American women (Carlton is more popular than you think!). Gay guys love me - I mean REALLY love me. I am a true fagnet *. I have the mix of Northeastern , cut thru the BS realism, combined with Southern Conservative values. But , alas, I know my true destiny is not in politics....
Like the saying goes, "Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it". I am a student of history, and I see the Reino name's parallel with another political name - Kennedy.
Forget so soon? May I use three words to remind you.......Snoop for President. My poor lab mutt had the potential to be this generation's JFK. Instead of Camelot, we were going to call it Shed-a Lot, due to his proclivity for making furballs around the house. Yet a mere four months after announcing, Snoop died under odd circumstances. I have Oliver Stone and Rosie O'Donnell working on it as we speak. I can't help but see the similarities - maybe I'm not Bobby to Snoop's JFK, but I am at least Teddy! That is embarrassing enough. Therefore, I do not ask for, and I will not accept my party's nomination for Vice President.
However, I will still accept any cushy Commission job still out there... Anyone get that DOT or DHEC job yet? Mark? You there?
* - Fagnet. A combination of two words, it is a term used for a straight male that naturally and unintentionally attracts Gay Men. Patent Pending on the term, 2007 - US Patent Office.

1 comment:

  1. Don't ever refuse. Then people will know you're just playing hard-to-get.
