Sunday, June 10, 2007

Here's the Reason for the Big Blank Space From My Last Post, AKA Blogger's Latest Genius Idea...

I apologize for the huge blank spot on the Top Ten post. I tried to fix it, but I can't. Here's why. It seems that Blogger had a problem with two putzes in Iowa losing their posts before they got saved, so they made a new tool - Autosave!!
About every two minutes, they save all your info - whether you want to or not. It will not allow you to continue until it finishes. Now , for a one paragraph post with no pics, it's not a problem. But for a post with 15 pics - like the last one - it leaves a big space at the bottom. It will also not let you delete the space at the bottom because it is busy AUTOSAVING all the crap that you are trying to delete!! It's like trying to clear a car accident, but you can't because the tow truck just got in an accident.
My apologies to the 4 readers for the mishap, and my advice to Blogger.........DUMP AUTOSAVE OR LET US OVERRIDE IT !!

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