Thursday, June 28, 2007

SC6 Consumer News.... How to Make 2500% Profit in The Foreign Currency Exchange and Commodities OVERNIGHT !!

The financial wizards here at SC6 have made a phenomenal discovery - one that you can take advantage of, and make literally an amazing 2500% instantly!! Sounds too good to be true?? It is !

Okay, it is true, but it is a bit hard to take advantage of. Here is the discovery... At work, the technicians often jokingly ask for money - 'Hey Mike, gimme a 20" is the usual. So, I would break out my leftover Ukrainian change and give them 20 kopecks in different denominations. The exchange rate is 1 dollar for 5 hryvnia, and change is the same in cents to kopecks, so 20 kopecks is about 4 cents... Whoopee!! Well, here is the kicker..

On the Left is a 5 Kopeck Coin, On the Right is a US Quarter

Looks pretty similar, eh? Well, I had noticed it for a while, and finally a technician asked me today.... "Try the pistachio machine, and see if it works". Well, apparently it does, so you can use a 5 Kopeck piece instead of a Quarter. Using the conversion, the 5 Kopeck is equal to 1 cent.

Think about it...... You can get a boat load of these coins, and then use them anywhere a quarter is accepted. One cent working in place of 25 cents is a 2500% return on investment !! Granted, you can only take advantage of it at vending machines, car washes, and maybe a Coinstar machine. Still, how cool would you feel paying 4 cents for a Coke, or 8 cents for a Car Wash??

If you thought that my ideas for saving money to offset high gas prices was cool, get a duffel bag full of Kopecs - and take advantage of my genius !

Although Mr. Reino has a BA Degree in Economics, he puts it to very little use. Therefore, following any financial advice he gives should be taken with a grain of salt. In real terms, only an idiot would try to stick foreign currency in a vending machine - even if it does work.



  1. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Hey you hoser, shut that up, Canadian coins work just fine in Myrtle Beach, eh.

  2. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Mr. Reino, we're from the Treasury Department and we're here to help you, at Mr Clyburn's insistence.

  3. All together now......

    Throw the Reino down the well....

  4. Anonymous9:18 PM

    soooo...does this make you a ko-pecker?

  5. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Hey man how about a dollar.
