Yep, this is one of the niceties of having a blog. Free speech at it's finest!! I got a certified letter that I was expecting months ago, but it finally came this week. It was from the attorney represnting my Aunt Joanie. Joanie is my Mom's sister. Let's just say that since Mom passed away 16 years ago, Joanie has been pretty invisible in my family. Except when money comes into play. I don't know what happened to her, but that's all she seems to care about.
Back in 1984, my Grandpa passed away. When he died , he split his estate between Mom, Aunt Joanie, and another Aunt who will be nameless since she has no involvement in this mess. Joanie got my Dad's house on the North Shore on the Queens/Long Island border, along with some cash to pay her bills, and Mom got cash. Grandpa had promised my brother Matt all of his carpentry tools and machinery, but since it wasn't in the will, Joanie sold it all.
She sold the house maybe 10 years later, and moved to North Carolina - about 3 miles away from my Dad and sister. In those ten years, the value of the house tripled to about $300k. While some in my family don't like that, I have no problem. She took care of Grandpa, and didn't blow it all, so good luck to her. After the move south, she changed....
We all were expected to kowtow to her, and even though she never called us, we all got the 'you don't have time for me, I don't have time for you ' crap. Sorry if I was busy in the 90's trying establish a career..... I called in '96 to mend some fences, and she basically told me and my family to kiss off. Meanwhile she had other work to do.........
Apparently in 1998, she got my Great Uncle Eddie (Grandma's brother) in a chair , and got him to name her Executor of his will. Eddie was widowed, and had no kids. My guess is that she told him what terrible people everyone else was, and that she was the only one to trust. In the copy I got , the will reads, "I am fully aware that I have siblings who are alive, and that my siblings have children who may or may not be alive at this time. knowing the existence of those classes mentioned above, I hereby exclude said people from my will for good and sufficient reasons, and give Residuary estate to Joan D'*****. In the event of her death, I give my Estate to her daughter and grandchildren. Classic ! She jumped in front and deliberately cut out not only us, but the dozen or so other cousins just as legally entitled as her.
Uncle Eddie passed away in 2003, and like a squirrel gathering nuts, Aunt Joanie has spent the past decade weaseling her way to inherit everyone's money. I'm not sure this earns a straight ticket to Hell, but I'm sure God will have a sit down with her when her time comes - which isn't too far away. Her attorney won't say how much exactly she scarfed up, but he has admitted to at least the 6 digit range.
From all legal opinions we have gotten, she has this tied up lock, stock and barrel. My only option is to forget, go on living, and not worry about it. Like the saying goes, the best revenge is living well................. and slamming them on your blog!
There are a lot of Aunt Joanie's in the world a all of them will have their day