Monday, July 30, 2007

Gary McLeod Not Running for Congress in '08 ?? Very Intriguing.

Where were you in '92?? Actually, it was '94, '96,'98, '02, '04 and '06......
According to the comments being by our buddy from Greeleyville and Davis Station, 6-time Congressional Candidate from my own District, Gary McLeod, will not be running in 2008. Word from Moye is that McLeod is seeking to run against Senator Lindsey Graham next year. I'm not exactly sure that this is the person people were hoping would run against Graham, but if it's like previous 'burning bushes', McLeod may have been assuaged to run from a higher authority........
Gary has not looked well in recent years. He is frail , gaunt, and looks like that Seinfeld episode where Kramer incessantly smoked cigars. Hopefully, Gary is just calling it quits, and he'll work in politics outside of running. I think he could earn a lot of respect by doing so and giving his insights into the Constitution, and not by flamethrowing others in the party.
That being said, the question is now asked..........WHO TAKES HIS PLACE? Let's examine a couple candidates..
Jim McGee. Would I love to see the former State Representative run. He is a simple talking, easygoing man who is also very intelligent, and a great consensus builder. Anyone who can build a friendship with Gilda Cobb-Hunter and still be a solid Republican has to be. By the way, most people already know Jim from his TV 13 days. Unfortunately, I think Jim has his eyes on the Judicial bench. Too bad.
Dean Fowler. Dean is the only Republican countywide elected official in Florence County, and he's done it twice. Dean is also the State Chair of the SC Treasurer's Assn, so he has roots built all across the state and district. Deano is a solid Christian, family man, and he is a seasoned campaigner. Again , I don't think Dean is interested. He also will be running in 2008 for Treasurer (if he wants to), so the timing is bad.
Darla Moore. Is she a Republican?? She spends money like a Democrat , but she makes it like a Republican! Moore seems to have taken an interest in local issues a bit more in recent years, and someone as high profile as her would bring a lot of attention to SC6. The district, not me.. But, would Moore take the pay cut? I doubt it.
Thomas Ravenel. Yes, TRav lives somewhere near Meggett in the 6th District, so he is eligible. It would make one hell of a comeback, and he could easily outspend Clyburn - or more correctly, his Union and attorney donors. Alas, I've talked personally to TR about this, and he thinks the 6th District is a lost cause for anyone, much less him.
Mike Reino. Ahhh.... Lord knows Joshua Gross would love to see me lob bombs at Clyburn for months on end. I would like to have a debate with Jim just once. I know Jim thinks he is smarter than me, and just about anyone here. I would disagree strenuously on that point. There is one part that holds me back - cash. If I could get enough cash to take a month off and travel endlessly across the District to get my name out, there would be a lot of benefits. First, the GOP would have it's image improved in the area. Secondly, the DNCC would have a lot less cash to play with. Maybe you don't know it, but Old Jim is the top donor in the Dem Leadership - why not, he has no competition. If I could get 50K, I would end up making Clyburn spend 20 or 30 times that amount in local advertising, instead of him writing a check in DC, and hurting GOP candidates across the country, like last year. Aw heck, I don't know..
What do you think? Am I more useful with my laptop, or would I be more effective with a free pass to November 2008?


  1. Stay home, don't run, drink a lot.

    Thanks for your support for my candidacy for State Treasurer.

  2. Earl,
    My support is the kiss of death. I suggest you as well do like Bluto says: "My advice to you is to start drinking heavily".

  3. Anonymous2:02 PM

    We've heard that an Atlanta Falcon's player may have bought a kennel to establish residency with an eye on hiding in Congress

  4. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Maybe Gary will run for both jobs since he runs on two party tickets why not. I need to call him. Maybe then he will quit leaving messages at the lake.

  5. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Have to agree with Earl on this but it is your call Bubba.

  6. Anonymous11:12 PM

    time to get the signs printed up!

  7. Only if you're my Minister of Propaganda and Disinformation again, Bobbo!

    I need more demographic maps that I can't decipher..

  8. Anonymous11:54 PM

    I can help just let me know.
