Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Jack-Ass Suffers From Hoof In Mouth Disease....

You'd be laughing too if you had duped everyone into thinking you were honest.........

Had enough yet people? Actually, I am a bit stunned that Katon Dawson put out a press release about Jim - it's a rarity. Maybe he realizes that taking this crook on instead of play concede and submit works better. Yes, I said crook. The man hasn't made a dollar that wasn't paid for by your taxes his entire life, all to build his own temple of personal power. A Taj Mahal to himself!

Don't believe me. Look at everything that has gone on this year since he became Whip. Everything has been aimed at self-promotion. Every news report makes it sound like whoever he endorses is a magic coronation from God himself. And all the while, the 6th District has lost it's representation. Oh, he's still in DC, but multitasking is clearly not is forte. All his focus is on being Whip, and powerbrokering for his own benefit. Look at the numbers for projects in the 6th District - Lake Marion Water Authority, on life support.......... Clyburn Connector, dead. By the way, it's a very good week for politicians pushing bridges to nowhere........

Now he talks about Iraq in terms of what is bad or good for the Democrats ??? It gives you a good idea of where his priorities lie. This Whip gig has gone to his head, and every issue now is dealt in terms of 'how can i maximize this for my Party?' Real Nice.

Jim likes to think of himself as an astute, well-spoken and intelligent man, but he overestimates himself. He stuck a Size 16 Dress Shoe into that well-spoken mouth of his. Is it any surprise that NO ONE trusts Congress?? Iraq is not a game... It is not a political football........ It is an issue that affects people's lives today, and the shape of our world in the future from now on!!

Can we please have a candidate to challenge, question and call out Jim Clyburn? Can we find one person with the guts to say what we all know - that our Congressman has lost his way more than ever. That we all know his main focus is to put himself in position for the Secretary of Transportation post if a Democrat is elected next year. All signs point that way, as long as you are paying attention. Or maybe, in these days of "Bring Home the Pork", all we care about is how high up the power chart they are.



  1. Anonymous11:31 PM

    I was actually on a flight with this dude awhile back. Not one person spoke to him and several knew who he was. When we landed in Charlotte a couple of ladies did have conversation in the terminal with Jim. I actually know one person who works for him over in Orangeburg county a female. I never have understood how a person can support him he is at the top of my list of bags of sh--.

  2. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Bears repeating, Jim "The Pander" Clyburn...

  3. There was a nice article from the Columbia City paper on this very topic. I liked it a lot, and it was not a fluff piece aimed at appeasing the Clyburn Camp.

    Of course, gary left a comment about blacks 'coming home to the GOP' - the same motto he's used for a decade now. Might be time to change the tactic, because it ain't working.
