Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Masculinely Challenged Candidate: John Edwards Has His Cancer-Addled Wife Attack Clinton......

Maybe Ann Coulter Was Right....
Is there anyone more full of BS on either side than John Edwards?? The multi-millionaire that gets paid to lecture on poverty. The Two Americas? Oh yeah - the haircut.
Now, with Edwards stuck in neutral in the polls and fundraising and quickly becoming a second tier candidate, decided to let his wife play Bad Cop, since it is too early to get into the real meat of the campaign, AKA 'It's on Baby!'
It's amazing to me to what lengths candidates will go to get a spike in the polls. Oh yeah, he announced his wife's cancer in a nationally televised press conference, then he lets her take the rap for the attack on Clinton's ability to be a good candidate for women. Then again, I kind of like how the whole thing played out...... Hillary gets slammed by her own party, and Edwards looks like a scheming wimp. Good Job guys !!


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Mikey, you have to remember in the "post modernist age" John Edwards is comfortable wiht being a "male lesbian" and is so much more politically correct than Hillary. In playing trumping each other, since Hil can't claim to be black, one hypothesizes that Slick would have to be diagonsed with HIV, secondary to monkey bites from his currnet jaunt to Africa.

  2. Anonymous4:16 PM

    From the hot coastal plains of South Carolina speaking of course of Greeleyville the Pearl of it all. I know some people here that actually voted for him because he was born in SC.

  3. Anonymous8:01 PM

    her name should be changed to Ann Cunter.

  4. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Mike, I think you hate John Edwards because he's prettier than your ex- (mine too for that matter).

    bobby, WRT Ann Coulter, I'd hit that. I'd hit that a thousand times before I'd think about the pretty lawyer boy that falls behind Hillary (and Lieberman and Zell Miller and Al Sharpton and Jimmy Clyburn) as a mensch.

  5. Anonymous6:43 PM

    you reckon this dude believes in what he says
