Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Pardon Me As I Sound a Lot Like Sunny Philips..... Rudy Wins the GOP Fundraising Battle This Quarter..

Looks Like Rudy's Got a Little Extra Lettuce on That Hero.. Or is it a Sub.. Or Grinder... Or Hoagie ????

Ah, the first week of July...... When beancounters like our beloved Sunny wait with eager anticipation for those candidate fundraising reports. I never got very excited about them when I ran - adding up all those zero's wasn't much fun. Now I know how Ron Paul feels - or Jim Gilmore or Sam Brownback.

For those of you who care, my man Rudy Giuliani ran away with the fundraising battle this quarter, raising $15 Million for the primary and $2M more for the general election. Mitt Romney raised $14M, but if you peek a bit closer, the numbers aren't a s good as they look. M-Rom gave a personal check for $6.5M to the campaign, so he actually only raised $7.5M.. It looks like Romney has his own 401k matching plan. I wish I got a 85% match !!

John McCain actually beat Romney by raising $11.2 M, but most people are treating this as a disappointment. True, he is laying off 50 employees, and others are now working for free or reduced salaries, but I wouldn't write him off yet. McCain will now be leaner and meaner - but those cement shoes he has on his feet from the Immigration debate are pretty heavy. Is this talk breaking Reagan's 11th Commandment ?

Now, someone's name is missing: Fred Thompson. By next Quarter, he will be, so this will be one to watch. My prediction? Thompson will win. Thousands of his supporters are just sitting there , waiting for the announcement so they can send money. Thompson better win. If he doesn't , he will be in big trouble financially. Giuliani has $18 Mill IN THE BANK, with NO DEBT !! Paying for that startup will eat up a lot of Thompson's cash. Money in politics is like money in life - it isn't everything, but you need a certain amount of it to be comfortable....

Speaking of comfortable, those Dems sure are raising a boatload of cash! The question is: How much of that will be left after the Primaries? We all know Dems don't think much about saving for the future. That reminds me....... what ever happened to that Amerislave.. I mean Amerisave program of Nancy Pelosi's ????



  1. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Hey buddy. Check your math.

    Romney raised 20.5 Million INCLUDING the 6.5 million.

  2. Correction... My ears must have been a bit clogged when the report was on Fox. I think some people at Fox like Romney as much as Giuliani. It sure sounded like the personal donation was part of it, but I stand corrected.

  3. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Quit blaming FOX you know they are fair and impartial or is that balanced.
