Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Reino's Filiblogster Gets Cut Off In Attempt to Block Reid's Filibuster..

Neverending E-Mail to Senate Leader Gets Cut in Mid-Blog.....
I had a brilliant idea yesterday. To stop Harry Reid's filibuster attempt last night by sending him an e-mail in mid-filibuster, hinting of a 'Magic Bullet' that implicated the Bush Administration's knowledge of 9/11 and the fabrication of Saddam Hussein's WMD possession.
The hook was to get him interested, then to divert his attention long enough to end his filibuster by timing out from the podium. I'm telling all of you, it was damned brilliant - the best post I have ever done, and probably one of the Top 5 in SC Blog history - right up there with BBQ & Politics' "Soil Conditions" campaign. It was funny, challenging and wide ranging - a veritable Gettysburg Address of Blogging.
But, like most great things, technology got in the way. I got disconnected from my router to Blogger, and POOF!! , it was all gone. The time being lost, and the original fire gone, the post vanished from my noodle. Recreating it would be futile..... Dust in the Wind, Dude...... Dust in the Wind.


  1. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Pity it isn't in the cache...

    the truth is out there

  2. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Almost as slick as claiming W's Dad hopped a SR-71 to fly in Tehran to confver with the Ayatollah Kohmeni and set up the "arms for hostages" deal... before Reagan was elected.

    Missing from that is a series of USAF types that would have bought a courts martial from that escapade, though arms for hostages is truning up as a talking point lately. I guess that, as with one honey that was going on annual mission jaunts to Haiti (prone to blame Bush for a regieme change negotiated by Carter and Powell during Clinton's watch).

    Mike Channel 13 would have been on you like Fox and others were on Dan Rather for the forged Bush 43's National Guard records. Though the story overlooked would be that the DNC led the blind news department to your doorstep.

  3. Anonymous4:21 PM

    The song Kansas right.

  4. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Late with this post Mike but maybe Gary Mcleod when elected to the US Senate as he plans to run against Lindsey will be able to help with any future filibuster
