Sunday, July 01, 2007

SC6 Endorsement: Vote Shirley Hinson for SC Senate Tuesday..

If you live in Dorchester or Berkeley Counties, and you can vote in the SC Senate race Tuesday (something about 90% of you eligible didn't do), get out and vote for Rep. Shirley Hinson to replace the late Bill Mescher.

I met Bill Mescher a few times, and I consider him to be a friend. He was always willing to put his name out for me, and he was a sensible guy in Columbia. More importantly, several people I know well were very close with Bill, and they are for Hinson. They would know best who would fill his shoes, and in their opinions, Shirley Hinson is the person for the job.

Of course, I have met Shirley several times at GOP functions, and she seems pretty well respected, and she was supportive for what I was trying back in my glory days. Sure, there was a lot of hubbub when she ran against her ex, but that is long over, and those who were working against her now are working for her - that says a lot.

Honestly, I don't know much about the other guy running. Word is that he is for the selling of Santee Cooper, something that Mescher , a board member of Santee Cooper, would never go for. We all know that Gov. Sanford has tried in the past to sell the utility, and I am a supporter of him. However, I'm not obligated to agree 100% with someone I support, and I don't think selling it is in the state interest right now. Santee has big plans the next few years, including a $1 Billion investment in Kingsburg, and I would rather see any sale happen after the investments are complete. That's a blog post for another day...

Choose Hinson as the lesser of two evils?? Who knows.. All I know is the ones who knew Bill Mescher best say Shirley Hinson in the right one on Tuesday, so get out and vote, and bring a friend!


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