Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Driving Mr. Rudy: My Two Hours With Our Next President...

"Hey Rudy, Can You Spare $50k So I Can Run for Congress?"
"Forget it, Kid !"
Yesterday, I got a great opportunity - to assist someone that I am excited about helping. The Giuliani campaign called me last week to get a couple sets of wheels and drivers for a fundraiser in Florence County. My bosses at Newsome Automotive in Florence said no problem, although I don't think they understand the security that surrounds Presidential candidates. Sorry guys, I can't drive Rudy to the dealership for pictures. Ugh!
With Bobby riding as my Tonto in the other truck, we picked up the crew at the Florence Airport, and took them to Ken Ard's home in the middle of nowhere. Thanks to Ken for letting us stay outside, and for not feeding us. I can't get into details about the trip there and back, because of the Vegas rule - what is said in the car STAYS in the car..... However, I will give you my observations based on it.
Rudy is a Taskmaster.
There is no George Bush - Karl Rove 'genius' talking head relationship. He has nobody feeding him comments or opinions, and it shows. Ever notice that Rudy doesn't have to look into the clouds for answers? It's easy when you're on top of your own ideas. Rudy is in charge, and his staffers do as he requests.
Rudy is Real.
The guy you see on TV is the guy in the truck. Rudy asked me plenty of personal questions in the limited time, and driving through the numerous farms, he noticed the dried out corn, and wanted to know what do they do with it, and what is the impact of it locally. Nice. I was worried they'd keep asking "Where the hell are you taking us?" !!
Rudy Is Tough. Good.
Not everything on the campaign trail is peaches and cream. No details about what the discussion was about, but I will say this - Rudy has a way of telling you what he wants, an how he wants it, but without raising his voice, or demeaning anyone. Well, just about anyone! I would love to have a boss like Rudy in my job, and it's that kind of LEADERSHIP that America needs.
I'm glad to tell you that Rudy Giuliani did not disappoint me in any way. I always knew I was a good judge of character. The only single thing I ever saw in politics that impressed me more was in 2004 , when Jim DeMint came to speak in Orangeburg, and only 8 people showed up - and he spent all 2 hours at a single table with all of them!
There you have it - my Man Love of Rudy. Seriously, I had a good time, although I wish I had time to chat with the 20 people I knew there, including Karen Floyd - she still remembers me. If you want to help out a campaign of your choice, you can do things like this too. However, if it isn't for Rudy, don't expect any help from me!


  1. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Nice picture for sure. Sure this was a very exciting time. It would had been for me for sure. You did good man.

  2. Anonymous1:05 AM

    I'm with ya Mike! Even for a right-winger like myself, Rudy is the man for our times.

  3. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Mike, its great to see you endorsing a prochoice republican. Tell me again, how many wives and mistresses has he had? Rudy, Rudy, Rudy ....

  4. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Meant to ask you on the phone tonight did you get your picture in the Florence Morning News with Rudy or did they even cover it. How about the picture from Mall of America did it turn out.

  5. No media at the event Moye. I got the text, but all I could see was MOA.

    Anon, I won't be a smart aleck. You have a fair question, and I'll address it very soon - Fri. nite, other events await..

  6. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Hey! Shaking hands with the big G! Great pic lil brother!

  7. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Mike: Good experience, but imagine how impressed you would be to talk to Sam Brownback, the man with the well thought out and far reaching plans for the War on terrorists, Border Security/Immigration, reducing the size of govenrment, etc. Let me know when you are ready to meet someone who will make you want to repeat almost every word he says because he will make our country safer and our children's future better.

  8. Anonymous4:15 PM

    I know Rudy has a TON of foreign policy experience. Are both of his daughters still NOT supporting him still?
    Looking at Rudy's stance on a lot of things, man oh man, he looks more like a Democrat than a Republican.

  9. I like Rudy...I just am not ready to get on my knees and apologize to Bill Clinton for harping on his personal issues. If The Republicans nominate Rudy..we can say goodbye to any moral high ground we have claimed.

  10. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Y'all are all full of CRAP. The most important vow a man can take is to his wife. If Rudy can't be true to his wife...then he can't be true to his country. He has demonstrated he can't be true to Conservative principles. He's pro gun-control, pro-abortion, and pro large federal government. A vote for Rudy G. is just as bad as a vote for Obama or Hillary.

  11. I see we made SC Hotline with this one..

    I appreciate the opinions guys. No doubt, Rudy is an acquired taste for some in the GOP. I would think that it is the American way to have an opinion, but to respect someone else who feels the opposite way - even if it is wrong.

    We are all a product of our environment, and we make policies based on that environment. I am not out to tell conservatives that they are voting for the wrong guy - that would be insulting. But once the GOP race is over, I doubt any of you will have any trouble pulling the Rudy lever if it is next to Hillary or Obama.

    Thanks for playing.

  12. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I'm a conservative and Obama would get my vote over Rudy. If it was between Hillary or Rudy, probably pull the lever for Rudy.

  13. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Taxes, spending and safety. If you feel that economic security, national security and anti-terrorism our the main issues today, then Rudy is your man. If you are interested in other issues, then you should support another candidate.
    Rudy will be on the offense against terrorism, he will cut taxes (as his record shows) and he will reduce government dependency.

  14. Anonymous4:39 PM

    that karl rove rhetoric doesn't work anymore buddy. Guiliani is about as fit and qualified to be president as frank willis is. Give me a break, he has no business even being in this race
