Ladies and Gentlemen.......... We now have the announcement that you've all been waiting for!! Give it up for General David Petraeus, and Ambassador Ryan Crocker !! Would be more interesting if we locked all parties involved in a closet for a couple weeks before they testify in front of Congress, don't you think? Just like I thought a couple months ago, no one bothered to keep an open mind.
Word is that Petraeus and Crocker will recommend no major changes until the Spring, that there are some security advances, but political gains still need to be met. No big surprise there. We all watch TV, so we've got an idea of where we are. However, I would like to hear these guys talk in depth about everything before I make up my mind - so why can't everyone in DC??
Typical of all US Senators - who all feel they are smarter than everyone else - everyone hit the airwaves today to tell us what is REALLY going on before Petraeus and Crocker take the mic. Joe Biden, who seems to be running for President, although no one has noticed, and Lindsey Graham were on the Sunday morning shows to pontificate on what we should do, based on, well........ based on their own opinions. Couldn't wait two days, eh guys? Such is politics.
The Democrats want us out now, and that Bush is just playing a four corners-type of defense to wait and pass it on to the next President. Republicans do seem to understand that leaving Iraq will likely turn it into a quagmire, but how exactly are we going to win? Tough questions for Petraeus and Crocker - and only them. Maybe we can add a little excitement to the meeting....... ARE YOU READY TO RUMBLE ???????
We seem to have a big problem in Iraq. Is that an understatement. Serious now why not bomb them some more and this time take their oil. We were accused of this to start with right. I believe in what Bush has done and I do believe that it is better to keep the war there. I also believe you cannot win a war in this area of the world with these kind of extremist. That is why you must kill them all.
ReplyDeletemoye, total war is politically incorrect, outside the football field or slander of Republicans by Democrats. It is however one of the obvious solutions here. Alas, between a corrupt Clinton's and the inept Carter's efforts our "war fighting" ability and assets have been eroded by the whims of warmed over 30's Commies and 60's peacenik fellow travellers, to a point that we have to rely on the efficiency of our elite forces and too much technology that has its own vulerabilities to the point that waging total, without having to have another power cover our back. The Clinton smirking assurance that we're able to wage a war on two fronts, was fine for notions of a "conventional war". Terrorists, particularly Philistines and Mahdi armies don't like the convention scene, unless Coy's got on a bomb vest while he's got the Harley up on the high dive, thus feel bound only to identify themselves on the battlefield by attacking. Reesponding to a non-uniformed enemy did exempt them from being treated as enemy POWs under the Geneva convention, though being politically correct we've provided for them under the covenants of the Geneva Convetion in Gitmo... maybe we should have just dropped them off somewhere along the slave trade rotues where the sharks are supposed to still troll for cast off bodies? (One could offer the main stream media the same ride.)