Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I Almost Missed the Interview, But SIMT Looks Pretty Awesome....

It's Just the Architect's Drawing, But Trust Me - It Looks Just Like That.

I damned near missed my radio interview today... It was supposed to be at the opening of the Southeastern Institute of Manufacturing Technology, or SIMT, at Florence-Darlington Tech this morning. I get to SIMT, and no one knows anything about WJMX-AM being there today, so I see the security guard, and he said it was cancelled. Those security guys knows everything.....So at 745, off i run to the BTC Building.

TJ didn't have my number, so he wasn't able to call, but we got a solid 5 minutes of quality political discussion in. So much so that I'll be back on Friday, and I might be contributing regularly to the show - if my agent and them can wheel and deal some A-Rod sized contract out... Speaking of which, TJ felt bad for the inconvenience, so I got a $25 gift card to Indigo Joe's in Florence - anyone want to go out for lunch soon? My treat. ;)

I'll be discussing one of of my recent blog posts on air - you might guess who it's about - but I'll leave it at that until Friday at 800AM. If you're in the area , listen in on 970 AM, or online at for a live feed. I'd chat some more, but I have a bunch of chicken fingers to make for the House Party tonight...



  1. Anonymous6:43 PM

    What will the taxpayers get back in return for this building.

  2. We're hoping for a well-trained work force to attract high-paying technical jobs to the area.... but so far, we've got another building with Hugh Leatherman's name on it.

  3. Anonymous11:03 PM

    this is your agent...take me to indigo joes and we'll see what kind of contract we can work out.

  4. Anonymous1:40 PM

    how is indigo joes any way
