Monday, September 17, 2007

I Think My Dog Is Getting Lazy.......

Now, we've all seen the cardboard cutout cop on the side of the road in Aiken. It looks like my dog has as well. Yes, Rocket is getting a bit derelict in his guard dog duties. While the little Tasmanian Devil was busy this morning wrecking the inside, there was my Spuds McKenzie doll, protecting the yard from critters and varmints !!

Let's get an idea of what El Destructo has done to Spuds. While it looks good from the back, a closer look in front shows the fluffy carnage....

Not pretty, is it?

You do have to give Rocket credit... His placement of Spuds was just about perfect. I was wondering whose dog snuck onto my porch for a second. I'd yell at him for being lazy, but he's busy asleep on the couch right now....



  1. Anonymous7:50 PM

    No time for the couch myself gotta go spend time here in the Wisconsin woods. I really am on the Oneida Nation Reservation and have not seen a dog anywhere. Just joking we do not eat them or at least I think we do not.

  2. Ever been to Korea, Moye? If you have, I can almost guarantee that you've eaten a dog...

  3. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Didn't you post something about an oriental resturant or take out place in Florence next door to a Vet's office or was that on FARK.COM

  4. No, but I do have a vivid memory of the Chinese Restaurant guy yelling, 'Here Kitty, Kitty, kitty' next door to my brother's wedding as a kid.

  5. Anonymous11:23 PM

    The pups didn't try to hump Spuds by chance...

  6. Honestly, I never checked that end of Spuds. Too bad, I've had Spuds since about 1988 - which is about the only time Spuds McKenzie was around.
