Thursday, September 27, 2007

Still Not Sure Who to Vote For? Take this Quiz....

OK, we've given you tons of different ways to pick who to vote for President - Astrology, Chinese Astrology, even based on Issues sometimes. Well, here is another way. A TV station in Minnesota has an eleven question quiz based on various Issues. All you do is answer the questions Agree/Disagree, then you weight them based on importance. Then, VOILA! You get a score for almost all the candidates running. Here is the address:
The weighting will make a big difference, but it is pretty accurate. I agreed with Rudy Giuliani on the most topics of any candidate, but the weighting gave a 2 pt. edge to Duncan Hunter. I can hear Joshua Gross calling me to switch already - sorry Josh!
So many people ask me about who they should vote for - and I'm going to tell you to vote for Rudy - DUH! If you still aren't sure, my advice is to peruse all this imperical data that I've provided for you, use it - then vote for Rudy. ;)


  1. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Thanks Mike, I have a dead even tie between Fred Dalton Thompson and Duncan Hunter with Sam Brownback just five points behind them. Alas Rudy came just ahead of Joe Biden and behind Ron Paul, though Romney scored just two points ahead of Ron Paul.

    IMHO, Mike, we could do worse, the Three Stooges: Obama, Edwards and Clinton were dead last on my list.

    (Okay, sincere apologies to Moe, Larry and Curley. Shemp on the other hand needs Ron Paul to give the hair back).

  2. Anonymous1:36 PM

    go rudy

  3. They were last on mine too, along with Ron Paul.
