Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Time to Close the Curtain... SC6 Bids Farewell to the Blogosphere.

"This Is The End, My Lovely Friend - The End".
- Jim Morrison.
Well, here we are... Post Number 529 , almost 2 years after I started this, and the time has come to put an end to it. Around 500, I had kicked the idea around of ending it there, because I was running out of fresh material. Things picked up, but I have realized this week that for what little positives there are for having SC6, this blog has put a strain on my life , both personally and professionally, and it's time to get back to being Mike Reino - nice guy. The one everyone liked before I ran for Congress and County Council, before I let my big mouth continually get me in trouble.
I think you guys deserve and explanation why, so i'll do my best to do that, without getting into too much detail. First off, it looks like I'll be in the land of the working again. I got a job as an Account Executive with Qantum Communications here in Florence. The odd part was during the interview, none of the questions were about my abilities - the one advantage of having a certain amount of publicity is that a lot of people know you. The questions were about if I planned on running for office again. That's a bad sign..... I overcame it, but I don't need to have every customer and boss of mine thinking that in the back of their mind.
The second is personal. As much as I like the ego stroke that this blog gives me sometimes, I never gave a moment's thought about how it might bother those around me - people I care about. I was selfish and thoughtless, and I've said some extremely hurtful things that deeply offended someone close to me. She's a very private person ( I have to call her Ms. X for Christ's sake), and she did not sign up to be part of Mike Reino Inc.. There are trust issues that I need to remedy for her. When I can't take a picture for myself, because of worries that it will end up here, justifiably so, I need to fix that.
I have to walk away from her , at least for the time being. Not an easy thing for - I always think I can fix anything by talking it out. I can't this time. Time is the one thing i have to pin my hopes on , but I can show consideration for her and her privacy by giving this up. It's not a big sacrifice for me, but I think it will be a big relief for her - and my bosses. Politics never made me a dime, and certainly not what Ms. X has given me, so the choice is simple: I'm done.
I was going to make a Top Ten list of things I'll miss about her - I have thousands, some private, some which I will take to my grave because I promised. Others are okay to talk about - How she NEVER had to pay for cigarettes, making fart noises on her tummy, when she would use my full name ( as in, 'Mike Reino, you ain't nothing but a full-of-shit politician'), and the way her eyes bugged out when she thought I got her a car - classic... Mainly, I'll miss her smile, and making her smile. 'Wherever you go, I'll always know"......
For the rest of you that have wasted the past two years reading this crappy bunch of ramblings, I will get a little corny. When I was a kid, I used to watch The Carol Burnett Show every week with my family. She ended the show the same every time, with the same song and little tug on her left ear........
I'm so glad we had this time together,
Just to have a laugh, or sing a song....
Seems we just get started, then before you know it,
Comes the time we have to say SO LONG .....