Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Whatever Happened to Tabitha Soren?? SC6 Finds Out...

I was trolling through MSN today, and I saw an article about MTV and their political reporting, and I suddenly wondered - whatever happened to MTV's Queen of Political Reporting, Tabitha Soren?

Back in the old days of MTV - when they played videos, had good game shows like Remote Control and Singled Out, and The Real World actually tried to accomplish something (aside from hook-ups) - there was Tabitha, the little red-headed pixie, trying to be a serious journalist. While no one took her too seriously, at least she tried, and she looked pretty good doing it. Yes, I have a soft spot for redheads. She interviewed everyone, although he was tougher on George Bush than Bill Clinton, so I guess there was some legitimacy to it all. Then, POOF! Gone.

So, where is she? Right here......

Wait, that's not her.. Who put that there??what exactly are Digby Dollars. Rhino???

She kinda looks the same, although she's got the Plain Jane thing going on, because serious journalists don't wear makeup. Or so I've heard. She does a lot of documentaries on various topics, mostly leaning towards the liberal side - no surprise. Mostly, she got married and had three kids in the last few years. No word if they're registered Democrats yet!

A couple tidbits from the Useless Information file - before she got the MTV gig, the Texas native appeared in the Beastie Boys "Fight for the Right" video while still at NYU. Her real name - Tabitha Sornberger. If you want her to speak at your group's function, call her agent at 212-645-4200.



  1. Judging by my 4 straight posts without a comment, methinks my compass on what you guys want to talk about is off a bit......

  2. Anonymous11:12 PM

    So you know what they say about red heads

  3. I know all too well. They are all crazy, and aren't worth the headache but Mom was a redhead, and I'm still holding out hope that there is another normal one out there.....

  4. I went to high school with Tabitha (Hampton High School, Hampton, Virginia, class of 1985) She was a cool girl who hung out with a rock crowd. She was very friendly and seemed to have unlimited energy. She was one of the smart kids, too, in honor societies and such. She was a cheerleader, in the Drama Club, and was an editor for the yearbook. She was also one of our senior class officers but I don't remember which one! She wore clothes that were very fashion forward for the time. Back then (don't know if people still do this) seniors exchanged Senior Cards: the size of a business card with your name embossed on it in the font of your choice. When we exchanged cards she wrote on the back of hers: Rock n Roll Hootchie Coo. I still have it :)

  5. Anonymous3:18 PM

    "The Loneliest Monk!"

    She will live on in infamy.

  6. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Tabitha is married to author Michael Lewis

  7. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Also went to school with "Tabi-Cat". She had a lot of drive and ambition and was also known for being quite bitchy at times. (For the record, she is naturally a brunette.) Had to admire her for her ambition but hope motherhood has brought her down to earth by now.

  8. Anonymous2:12 AM

    I have no clue what happpend to her reporting on MTV or Tv for that matter but I do know she lives about 40 miles North of New York city in the suburbs in a town called Cold Spring Ny with her husband. And her real name is not Soren thats her TV her real name is Soreneberger. I guess you got to take that Jewish sounding twang off the end when working in TV Jornalism ?

  9. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Tabitha's maiden name is SORNberger; not SORENEberger. It was a long German name which early in her news career, it seems that she was asked to shorten it in length. Also, unless something had recently changed, the family had been residing on the WEST coast.
