Friday, October 26, 2007

At Least One Senator Gets It......

ND Senator Files Bill to Increase the Blend of Ethanol in Gasoline..........
Well, it's nice to see someone take the advice I hand out. About 2 years after I first suggested it, someone in DC is trying to up the percentage of Ethanol used in gas. Sen. John Thune (R-ND) wants to double it from 10% to 20%.
We've had a discussion of the pros/cons of Ethanol, so i won't rehash that , all I will say is I'M RIGHT ONCE AGAIN !!.


  1. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Welll, if you're gonna boost the gasahol percentages, how about using a more efficient biomass source for the ethanol? Skip the corn and use sugar cane, just don't tell Jimbo that we're not going to use Castro's sugar cane.
    I think that you'll find that working from cane, tht the yield per acre and energy cost to ferment and distill and yield from the process beat the daylights out of feed corn...

    Archer Daniels Midland and others that grow lots of corn, equating it with barrels of oil, will probably disagree, though I think an economist (HINT!) can decipher the reality.

    Come Watson, the game's afoot

  2. Anonymous3:00 PM

    The Ethanol plants is now what we see for sure. I have been on more than I can count and it does drive the price of corn up the food we eat up and anything else that corn is used for. The only people it helps is the midwest farmer and that not for long and the construction industry building these plants. We have to find another source besides corn for sure. The return is not there. Right now cane is the best and the south can grow it besides Louisiana look at Brazil.
