Sunday, October 28, 2007

Different Clyburn, Same Strategy....

Clyburn's Henchman Phil Bailey Brings Racism Into Senate Seat 25 Race.....
I'm feeling much better today, which means that I have enough energy to write when something pisses me off. I was going through the headlines on SC Hotline, and I came across the Senate Seat 25 race between Shane Massey and Bill Clyburn.
No, I am not an authority on this race, and yes, Bill Clyburn is a cousin of Jim Clyburn, so maybe I have a bias against him. With that in mind, I will limit the post to the point I want to make.
Phil Bailey, who is running Clyburn's campaign, says that Massey sent out a mailer thru SCRG, attacking Clyburn's education stance. I haven't seen the mailer - Clyburn's team didn't supply the mailer, so who knows exactly what it says. Bailey is calling on Massey to renounce SCRG.
All of this is fine and well, but at the very end, Bailey pulls a classic Jim Clyburn move - he says "Clearlt Massey is trying to mislead voters, malign Clyburn and intimidate voters. Sounds familiar? If we did not know it, we would swear it were the 1960's and not 2007."
Bill Clyburn must keep in touch with his cousin, because this is a classic Jim Clyburn gambit, which is ,"If you disagree with me, you are a racist". Jim uses it at every turn......... You don't want the bridge? You're a racist......... You don't want to pay for health care for kids whose parents make 80k a year? You're a racist.....
If Massey wants to align himself with SCRG, fine. If it defines him as a candidate, fine. Most candidates are homogeneous, pinstriped and bland, so actually knowing what a candidate is for helps voters. If voters feel education is the main issue, they now know who to vote for.
Maybe I get offended easier than the average white guy, but I get pissed off everytime I hear a black candidate go down the gutter by even suggesting that 2007 is anywhere nearly like 1960's. Times are different. Maybe the campaigns should be different too.
"You Label Me, Therefore You Negate Me"
- Kierkegaard.


  1. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Believe me I came up in the sixties and it is nothing like then. Clyburn is typical of that era person. The Congressman was given every thing in his political life by a bunch of old white democrats that would do anything to stay in power. Talk about your yellow dog type. If I remember correctly if it was not for the appointments by the white men he would had never had any name recognition. I better stop at that before someone wants to label me.

  2. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Two issues leap out to me here.

    1. With SCRG's record, anyone giving credence to the accusation of a candidate having SCRG send out a mail piece, without producing that mail piece OR refuting any issues brought out by such a mailing, must be blowing smoke OR cannot answer the issues of such a mailing. Carville playbook seems to be in use, we hope that Jim recognized Reno's mouthwash.

    2. The left still expects an electorate of sheep to ignore the overt racism of their own position, that a black man is able to represent white folks, but that a white man is incapable of representing black folks. Maybe Obama is a better choice than Hitlary.

  3. Even if we don't know who was behind your posting, the intent of this message is clear.

    Your blog posting is part of the ongoing attack campaign that is attempting to bring people from outside the district ... uh, well ... Hillary and Obama don't count.

    You're out there blogging about this race with the intent to benefit the special interest that employs you ... oh, you're not working right now ... darnit.

    Ok, NOW we're got the right rebuttal to this ... something original that never gets said anywhere:

    Clearly you are trying to mislead voters, malign Clyburn and intimidate voters.

    See, we've finally found something original that STICKS.

    Now fess up and make reparations.

  4. I am thawwy. Where do I send the check??

  5. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Reparations! I want reparations! Mine people was taken as slaves by the black african Egyptians!

    Jimmy! Obama! We're due reparations AND intrest for over 2000 years that you haven't paid up.

    Maybe Rose Law Firm can do this on contingency...

  6. Anonymous4:19 PM

    FWIW, it seems that Breck girl you've been picking on is doing a breakfast fundraiser for Clyburn, though I didn't think that Main St in Columbia was in the district... maybe its because there are more lawyers offices roun there.

    Think Mike Nifong will follow Edwards' (John, not Mike) lead and contribute?

  7. Yes, the 6th CD runs right over the Statehouse and up Main St (about 6 city blocks wide), before it balloons again around the Psychiatric Hospital.
