Monday, October 15, 2007

Getting to Know Me: Time for Another SC6 Quiz...

So, You Don't Speak Ukrainian?? Good Thing.
It should read "Please Iron Me"........ I still can't sleep, so I've got another Pop Quiz for you. No cheating or looking at the answer sheet of the person next to you......
1. What Is Mike's Favorite Pro Football Team?
A. Carolina Panthers
B. New York Jets
C. New York Giants
D. Pittsburgh Steelers
2. It's not his favorite, but what color does Mike look best in?
A. Black
B. White
C. Navy Blue
D. Green
3. What was the name of Mike's band back in New York ?
A. Circle of Fifths
B. Scary Chicken
C. DC Crash and the 13th Street Bridge Band
D. Narcdog
4. What Major does Mike a Bachelor's Degree in?
A. Astrophysics
B. Economics
C. African-American Studies
D. Hotel and restaurant Management
5. What is Mike's ex-wife's name?
A. Nicole
B. Jessica
C. Tawny
D. Michelle
6. What is Mike's Japanese tenant's name?
A. Hideki Honda
B. Fujimori Hasegawa
C. Hironori Uchiyanagi
D. Mr. Miyagi
7. What did Mike work during his Summer vacations in College?
A. Shea Stadium
B. Saratoga Racetrack
C. Mc Donald's
D. The Beach
8. What was Mike's first job?
A. picking up trash at the beach
B. working at his cousin's printing store in Pa.
C. fry guy at McDonald's
D. peep show clean-up guy in Times Square
9. Which of these NEVER happened?
A. He stopped drinkng vodka from a night of too much PJ.
B. he stopped smoking pot because he almost froze to death walking back to campus.
C. he stopped doing coke because he didn't lose any weight
D. He stopped drinking coffee because it gave him the jitters.
10. In his 5 years in college, which school did Mike not attend?
A. Suffolk Community College
B. Hofstra
C. East Carolina
D. Oswego State
1-C , 2-A, 3-D, 4-B, 5-A, 6-C, 7-D, 8-B, 9-C, 10-B.
Welcome to SC6, this must be your first visit !! It's not? Well then, may we suggest you take Mike out to dinner sometime, and he'll tell you his life story. If not, go back and study more !!
Good Job. You must have worked at the beach with Mike, or you were his drug dealer. My condolensces for either of those. Take the knowledge you have learned here and forget it all, for it is useless.
Your name is Nicole or Bobby. Either way, you probably hate Mike for any one of 100 reasons, all of which are justified. Like a religious prophet, go amongst the masses and warn them of Mike, then see what happens.....
Have a nice work week !!


  1. Anonymous8:26 PM

    giants, black, narcdog, econ w/a minor in african american astrophysics, nicole, hiro, beach, mc d's, a thru d, hofstra

  2. Bobby, you only got 8 right. Numbers 8&9 are incorrect...

  3. Anonymous4:23 PM

    so what was your score mike

  4. Unfortunately, I got a 100...

  5. Anonymous10:42 AM

    So Mike, why do you probably hate Mike for any one of 100 reasons?

  6. Self-loathing , I suppose. Remember, I know myself better than anyone, therefore I have more reasons to hate myself.
