Friday, October 19, 2007

Maybe It's Me, But Katon Got It Wrong Again....

Press Releases are Easy..... Why Can't Our Chairman Get Them Right???

For those of you who haven't heard it, Rep. Pete Stark has come under fire for comments he made on the floor of the House. The reason Congressmen and women have their speeches written ahead of time is because when they speak extemporaneously, they say stupid things like this. Stark didn't get it out quite right, but he basically said that President Bush would rather send money to Iraq than SCHIP, and that he send troops there to get killed for his own amusement... DUH !!

Of course, Republicans are outraged. While everyone is angry and they are demanding that Stark apologize for insulting Bush, our SCGOP Chairman Katon Dawson thinks that someone else deserves an apology - our Troops in Iraq.

The funny part is, by all accounts, no one is saying that the troops were insulted by Stark's comments - except Katon. What did he hear that everyone else didn't hear? I know, the Democrats generally are against the troops being in Iraq, but not everything they talk about insults our troops, like in this case. Sure , Stark is a Cali-Sissy Ex-Peacenik that Al-Qaida wishes all Congressmen are, but the criticism/insult was at Bush, not the troops.

We all like to send PR to look important, but when you do send them, make sure they are correct. In this case, it wasn't. Hey, doesn't Stark look familiar???

Well, Stark is older, but there's something there.. Jeez, I'm trying to co-operate with ya here, Yahhhh !!


  1. Anonymous1:37 AM

    Good thoughts, but if you knew Pete Stark at all you would have thought otherwise. Stark would rather us lose the war than have the GOP gain one seat in congress.
    Stark is one of the most hateful people in congress. He is the type that wouldn't mind if his district go hit with a nuke as long as it was politically profitable. (maybe a little overboard)
    Stark definitely hates Bush but he certainly doesn't care about the troops either. His comments were targeted as attacks on everybody that isn't a Democrat ally.

  2. No doubt Pete Stark is a Class A asshole - it seems to be the trend of all the California Democrats. He likely looks at the Army as a bunch of babykillers too, but I didn't see his comments as anti-Army. The critique by Katon was just a bit of a stretch.

  3. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Stark is crap
