If You Think These Are All the Candidates, You Don't Know 1/10th of Them......
I took a short trip down I-95 to The Compass Restaurant for the monthly Clarendon GOP meeting to speak on behalf of the Giuliani Campaign. There are two good bits of news - they now have Stuffed Crab on the buffet, and since T-Rav is out of politics, I am now listed No. 2 on Jean Claire Gibbons' hottie politicians list. Jealous?? ;)
As far as business goes, it was standard. Everyone trying to differentiate their guy from the pack. The odd part is that we had a man from someone from Alabama running for President, and they guy isn't a Senator or Governor or Congressman. His name is Dr. Cort - I think his first name is John, but I just recheck his 4 page pamphlet, and it isn't there.... He's a Christian Conservative in the Brownback/Thompson mold, and he's already paid his 35K to be on the ballot in January. In other words, he's a crazy rich guy..... I'm sorry rich people aren't crazy, they're ECCENTRIC...
Now , we've already got 9 guys on the GOP side, and 8 on the Dems side, while guys like John Cox are still banging on the door to get into the game. Exactly HOW MANY people are running for President, and how many tiers are there really - 4 or 5 ? This is my first presidential campaign where both sides are loaded, and early enough for the dreamers to still be trying, and I'm getting a friggin' headache trying to keep score....
My question to you is this: What are these guys trying to achieve. I ran for Congress because I didn't like the incumbent, and the GOP candidate was lazy and extreme. However, if a normal guy were running at the time, I think I would have had enough sense to get out. These guys don't. WTF ??
We got the Ron Paul camp next month at the Palms at Wyboo. Come on down.
ReplyDeletemike you left out Steinbrenner
ReplyDeletethey had a guy there last night. Steinbrenner doesn't want to be President - he wants to be God.
ReplyDeleteJust goes to show you the Ron Paul group showed up a month early.
ReplyDeleteThey may come to Florence instead, I invited them and gave them Tommy's number, since we can't get anyone higher than dog catcher in Flotown.....
ReplyDeletewhen are yall meeting in florence i forget
ReplyDeleteThe second monday of the month. usually three days before you guys.
ReplyDeleteDinner at 630, meeting at 700PM.