Sunday, October 14, 2007

Patience - Not My Strongest Trait......

But I Want It NOW !!!!!!

Time for another post on self-realization.. Ah, the weekend. That time that lately has been driving me up the wall. Why? Because for the past 5 weeks, I've had no control at all over things that mean a lot to me. Job, finances, love, and to a degree , myself. During the week, i usually can keep busy, and events will occur to change what is going on. However, the weekends are torture, because there is no change in anything, which leads my thoughts to wander and overanalyze...

Don't worry, this isn't anything like the post from last month that scared the crap out of everyone - in fact, it's quite the opposite. This is just me making observations about myself in order to fix them, and letting you all know more about me...


On Monday , I talked to a shrink on the phone for about an hour, answering all the questions so he can determine what's up in my noodle. Some questions are way out in left field. 'Do you feel like you have a need to apologize to someone for something you did in the past?' - uh, nope. All my apologies were taken care of years ago. So, for 6 days now, i''ve been waiting for his analysis. The Dr. lives on my street, so the urge has hit me to knock on his door, but so far, I've been good.


I'm pretty sure the one job is locked up, but another one has come down the pike, so I need to get my resume in his hands ASAP. I'll have some type of job by week's end, but the bills have really stacked up, so I need some cash influx. My other brother is crying poverty (2 jet ski's and a new Harley will do that , I guess), so I'll have to catch up on my own. Times like these are when I wished I didn't go to Europe and still kept my Camry....

Ms. X:
Things are good, but I have no idea where or when we'll meet up again. The tough part is on Wednesday, Friday and Saturdays, I know where she usually is, but I can't bother her at work. I just miss seeing her for all the reasons I listed previously. Absense makes the heart grow fonder - hopefully it's true in her case too. You always think that you can make things better by doing this or that, but that doesn't work if you're blowing off what someone needs right now. That's being selfish. Just gotta wait it out and keep an eye out for a comment, I guess. Miss ya, Princess !

Getting this off of my chest is good therapy, and it's much safer than screaming my ass off for no reason.. If patience is a virtue, than I am not a virtuous person, becuase I hate to wait for anything.. The good news is tomorrow is Monday and things will start to happen. Thaks for listening, folks!


  1. Anonymous7:51 PM

    You want love ? Follow me down to Costa Rica the next time I go and bring a few bucks.

  2. My new rule is if I go out of the US, it's for a vacation...

  3. My new rule is if I go out of the US, it's for a vacation...

  4. My new rule is if I go out of the US, it's for a vacation...

  5. Why don't I click the 'post the comment' button a few more times?? Sorry.
