Wednesday, October 17, 2007

SC6 Continues It's Vigil for Joe Torre..

Mike Will Not Eat, Sleep or Leave the House Until Torre's Future Unfolds.....

All of Tampa and The Bronx are hushed, as the Yankee Nation awaits the announcement of Joe Torre's future... Will he stay as manager, or will The Boss cut him loose. Who knows?? Personally, if I were Torre, I'd be about as excited to work for Steinbrenner as I would to move back in with my Dad...

Like Catholics gathering at the Vatican, I wait tensely for that first white puff of smoke that will let me know that the Yankees have a new skipper, or that George Steinbrenner has blown a head gasket..... Sorry, car humor....

Being the die hard pinstriper that I have been since 1976, I will deprive myself of all earthly comforts until I know Torre's fate. It may take weeks, even months before I re-emerge, and I'll probably look like Steve Carell in 'Evan Almighty', but for a lifelong Yankee fan like me, th.... UH WHAT?? ......Uh, we have guests tonight for dinner, and we're having chicken, so I'll have to save the protest for another time.

Joe, tell The Boss to kiss off, retire, and enjoy life again !

Post Note: Torre has turned down a 1 yr/ $5M offer from the Yanks - a $1.5 pay cut, plus incentives that still would keep him as the highest paid manager in baseball. Good for him. Mattingly appears to be next in line - or the chopping block, whichever the case may be.

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