Monday, October 22, 2007

SC6 Exclusive: Florence County Sheriff Kenney Boone to Run in '08 as a Republican...

Sheriff Boone, on the far left, finally running as a Republican. Will he Endorse Rudy Next? That's My Job....
Now you know why no one tells me anything! I got a call from the County GOP , asking for my presence at the City-County complex to be there for the Big Switch. Kenney Boone is very popular, and his change would make him only the second Republican to hold a countywide seat, along with Treasurer Dean Fowler. The tide is slowly changing.........
Now on to the second part: Who will he endorse for President? In Florence County, Boone's choice will have as much weight as anyone's. In my book, he will want the candidate who has shown the most support and devotion to first responders to win. And who might that be? Rudy Giuliani - hands down. Rudy has shown before and since 9-11 that the cops are of special importance to him, even when they make mistakes. He doesn't sway in the wind when there are incidents where the police make an error. He is their biggets supporter, and my guess is Kenney Boone will put his name behind Rudy.
And if common sense doesn't work, I'll put the malocchio on him till he does support him, but i don't think I'll need it. Kenney's a smart guy.


  1. Anonymous11:41 AM

    The guy to his left is somewhat a friend. Will not tell you his job. Now it is awful nice to see Mr. Boone switch cannot understand why he ran as a democrat to start with.

  2. It was his first time running, and someone convinced him that it would be easier to run as a Democrat. He's pretty popular, so a R or a D after his name isn't going to matter.

    From what I know, the guys with him are on the Drug enforcement team. They showed a movie of them collecting tons of money in drugs and cash on traffic stops.

  3. Anonymous12:59 PM

    I - 95 mostly look out for the mustangs
