Monday, October 01, 2007

An Update on My Cousin Christopher in Iraq......

I got a call Friday night from my Cousin John in Pennsylvania. While chatting about things, I asked about the latest with his son Chris, so I thought I'd pass it onto you guys.

Chris made it through Ranger school with flying colors, and he is now in the 82nd Airborne - the guys who's motto is "Anywhere in the World in 24 Hours". Yep, Chris is a little badass now! I'm not surprised - when he was a little kid, he used to jump off the roof of his house, so a jump out of an airplane is the next logical step.

He's stationed at Al-Qaim AFB, outside of Baghdad, and he was recently part of the Security Detail on President Bush's recent visit. Makes my 2 hrs. with Rudy in a Suburban seem pretty trite...I didn't get much else in, because I was at dinner, and it's rude to be on the phone while eating, so I'll try to get John on get the skinny on things going on over there firsthand - not from John Murtha or Nancy Pelosi...

Keep him in your prayers, and all the soldiers overseas for that matter. Peace.


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