Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Week Number 2 of Inside Mike's Brain...

Week Two of Therapy: I started out by forgetting part of my 'homework', so I had to think off the top of my head for answers - not my strong suit. Basically, he asked me what I want to get out of therapy.
First, I need to learn to control my temper. Secondly, I want to be able to learn to address conflict before I let it build up inside. Lastly, I want to tell those that do things for me that I appreciate them. In other words, to say thank you more often.
We went into discussions about what happened at work, and after about 15 minutes f me talking, what we got was that I confuse a problem as a conflict. Everything to me is a conflict - both professionally and personally. I avoid the problem to the point that I let it become a conflict. By then it's too late. I've dated women for months, and lost them over one argument - same thing. It took a little give and take, but I eventually got the point.
All of it is the result of a lack of confidence and assertiveness. I don't stick up for myself, and I don't have faith in myself. No big surprise to those of you who really know me... I don't believe in myself, so I take the blame for a lot of things, and since I dont; believe in me, no one else does either. Why should they???
I got more homework too. I need to practice being more assertive - even if it means picking an argument with someone. Also, I need to call my siblings and tell them why I appreciate them. Easy enough. I have something I've been avoiding, and I'll tackle that tomorrow. Session over. Next one is in a week. What did I say as I walked out? 'Thank You' ....... :)


  1. Anonymous8:16 PM

    sure you do not want to see that root doctor over in cordesville

  2. or did you really say "thank you sir, may i have another ... SMACK ... thank you sir, may i have another ... SMACK ... thank you sir, may i have another ..." ... ?
