Thursday, October 04, 2007

Which Directly Affects You More - Terrorism, Immigration or Social Security? Why Aren't We Talking About it Then???

Remember This? That Was 2 Years Ago..........

I was traipsing through SC Hotline today (Mike, why am I still not on the Blogroll??), when I caught Paul Hyde's editorial about Social Security. I didn't agree with his complete assessment of it - President Bush did try to fix it - but, he is right on the fact that no one is working to fix the impending bankruptcy......... and it is coming. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise..

The ratio of workers paying taxes versus recipients is shrinking, from 16:1 to 3:1 today, and 2:1 in the next 10 years. And the average return on investment that Social Security earns has been 1.7% - about 3 times less than you'd make by putting the money in a CD. Nope, no fundamental problems here. Let's just raise taxes again.....

I've gone over these things in detail in posts from February and March 2006 , and I even managed to make enough bi-partisan sense to get a letter printed in 4 newspapers. Between Iraq and Social Security, I think when Congress couldn't get past the partisanism is when we lost faith in Washington , possibly for good. Because in it most basic form, that what most politicians are - bullshit artists.

I went to the 'Open House' given by Congressmen Spratt and Clyburn, or as I called it, 'ScareFest '06'. I watched two guys that are heavily invested in the stock market - one of them somewhere between $2-8M - try and scare the crap out of a bunch of Seniors. All with the blessing of AARP, which I will never join.

I asked Clyburn point blank a simple numerical formula based on his numbers why couldn't 1/3 of the Social Security taxes be put in a safe , guaranteed fund , like Municipal Bonds or Mutual Funds that earn 4-5 times more to offset the bankruptcy. It got the blankest stare I ever saw, and Spratt double talked about nothing related to it. It was then that I was dealing with two, as Ms. X would say, "Two Full of Shit Politicians ". Like I said, the girl is sharp.....

It's two years later now, and Social Security is truly a Third Rail issue. No one talks about it. even Hillary Clinton, Queen of Entitlements, said that Social Security is "off the table". Yes, the lady who will be the Democratic Party's candidate, who wants to give 47 million Americans free health care - which you will pay for - doesn't want to talk about it. Nice.........

Then again, no GOP candidates are speaking up for fixing it either. Why? Because no one wants to stick their neck out to do the right thing. Why? Because they will all be dead when the system goes bankrupt. Those of you about my age and younger will likely NEVER get a check unless something is done. And I will be there to water the grass on Clyburn's grave, as promised....


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Let me see, the only REAL way that SSI is "off the table" is privitization. I'll guess that the CIA is the reason they put on tin foil hats when one brings up the success of the Chilean model or ES2000 that Mark Sanford was driving circa 1997-1998.
