Monday, November 05, 2007

Citigroup Loses $11 Billion, and That's Not Funny..

Citigroup announced that it expects to lose $11 Billion this fiscal year, mainly due to loses from their sub-prime mortgages. Yep, those below prime teaser mortgages are really beginning to bite some of the finncial institutions in the ass. But , before you start laughing, guess who will be paying for it - you.
You see, there's a rule in finance...... Banks aren't allowed to lose money. And if they do, you just charge more to your existing customers to make up for it. If you have a credit card or mortgage with Citigroup, expect to see new fees and penalties on your accounts. Citigroup
also owns Travelers Insurance, where my car lost about $5k in value , but my premium only dropped $2 per month - coincidence? I think not.
My advice is to keep an eye out on your statements for any "Change in Account" messages, or to switch to a company that doesn't have any sub-prime loans out there.


  1. Anonymous5:27 PM

    primeamerica is owned by this group and several other companies

  2. Anonymous10:21 AM

    So Clinton era Enron style accounting catches up with a really Snitibank...

    reflect and discuss, if the market had been allowed to right itself in the 30's, would we have had to have used a foreign war to pull us out of the socialist programs that Hoover instituted and FDR continued under changed names?

  3. Anonymous8:45 PM

    hahaha...yes it is funny. that company is nothing but pricks. trust me on this one. i will NEVER give them any business again!
