Sunday, November 11, 2007

SC6 On the Road: Day 1 In Hilton Head - Good Pizza and Bad Houses.....

My Brother, Matt, Sticking His Head Out From My Sunroof........

No, this probably won't be as interesting as my trip to Europe, but hey, funds are low... I made it into Hilton Head this afternoon, and it's a pretty good time to be here. Not so many tourists, but the weather is still nice..

I was ready to chew my arm off, so Matt suggested a New York -style pizza place called -SURPRISE !!! New York City Pizza. Good stuff... Thin and slightly crispy, and dripping just the right amount oil when you fold it. Just a bit more cheese, and it would have been perfect ! Good enough for my starving tummy though........

Next, a trip to the ugliest house I have ever seen.....

You thought I was kidding. This thing is an abomination. Everything you see that is pink or white is foam, the living room has a brick floor, the second story front are shingles and the garage on the right has no supports to keep it up. The guy was apparently a mason (bricklayer, not the ones with the funny handshake) who went berserk.

Seriously, the only way to fix the place is to knock the entire second floor off and make it a ranch. By now, you're probably wondering "Why bother?"......... Well, it's one block from the ocean, so the property is prime real estate. Matt wants to fix it.... I think he's crazy, but he's had worse schemes. If the price is right, he might try to do it.
That's it for now. I missed most of the Cowboys/Giants game, and it looks like it's a good thing I did. I start working in the shop tomorrow, so you guys should get a good laugh watching me do manual labor....


  1. Anonymous1:27 PM

    So you're cheaper than the Mexicans? Obligiatory cheap shots aside, first reaction is that this is a "knock down" property. Knock it down and build something else on the site, market it right and let the buyer spec and foot the materails bill for the things they'd be re-doing anyway.

  2. They want 375k for the place, as is !!

  3. Anonymous8:07 PM

    buy it

  4. It would be easier to take the vacant lot and put a house on it.

  5. Anonymous8:53 AM

    So rent a D9 and a dumpster and knock it down, then build to spec.

    Iti is a bit far for Fuji to commute from though, but it is in the Second District... no Jimmy.

  6. The lot next to it is vacant, so it'd be easier to drop a hut on that one than knocking down this dump.
