Monday, November 05, 2007

Team Rudy Undergoes Shift, Goes Silent Locally.....

Rudy is Still the Man, but His Staff Is Keeping Quiet in These Parts.....
I love Rudy. I really do, but the slipping poll numbers confirm what I have been feeling lately - that his team is slipping. A recent ETV Poll has fred Thompson at 18%, with Rudy and Mitt Romney tied at 16.5%, and a massive 30% undecided. Rudy has been running consistently in the mid-twenties until this poll, even with Thompson in the race.
The team underwent a small shakeup a month or so ago, with the loss of my good friend, Braden Bunch, and since then, I have not recieved a single phone call. So now, i am out of the loop..... I wish that the team were made up of local folks, but we are being led by pople from out of state that don't know our area , or speak our language. We are getting into crunchtime, and the phone is too quiet. I am a Co-Chair, and I don't even have a yard sign for myself!
This is no way a critique of Rudy Giuliani. He is no doubt the right man for the job in my mind. But I can't even hand out a yard sign to any interested people. We're closing in on 75 days til the big day and I'm getting a bit worried that my area is being bypassed once again....


  1. Anonymous5:23 PM

    i feel your pain i am dealing with the same stuff from his staff that you are nothing

  2. Anonymous10:30 AM

    One hears that Ron Paul's numbers are claimed to be on the rise, though one is uncertain how many there are libertarians riding the growth curve.

  3. Anonymous10:21 PM

    he raised a lot of money today ron paul that is

  4. yeah, but they're fuding the numbers. They raise 4 million in a day, but only $3 Million the other 90 days??

  5. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Heard it through the grapevine, that Rudy's camp is going a little bit lower profile, shoes on the street, personal contact, higher touch. Therefore, as in Iowa, yardsigns, bumper stickers etc seem to be taking a lower priority.

    Maybe you can ask Rudy directly in West Columbia,

  6. Yep, signs are going to be available with 30 days to go according to Ryan.
