Thursday, November 15, 2007

What Would You Give Up Your Right to Vote For ??

NYU Journalism School Survey Finds Voting Rights Are Not Important...

What would you permanently give up your right to vote for? Well, you might be surprised by this survey given at NYU.....

50% of those surveyed would do it for a million dollars

66% would do it for a year's paid tuition

20% would do it for an IPOD Touch.....whatever that is.

Honestly, the only one I would do it for is the million dollars, because with a million bucks, you can easily buy the influence worth much more than a single vote could get. In the real world, money is worth more than a vote. Agree or disagree? What would you give up your vote for? A car? A date with Brooke Burke?

Here you are, Moye.


  1. Anonymous11:39 AM

    lets see a picture of brooke burke

  2. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Okay Jacob, a vote is my birthright. I'll skip the stew, I read the story, Esau, on the other hand, for a hairy man is kinda carnal and ruled by his loins and other appetites.

  3. Anonymous7:08 PM

    mike that may work

  4. Anonymous2:41 PM

    bobby i am shocked not really
