Saturday, December 08, 2007

The Amazing Kreskin Knows Who the Next President Will Be, But He's Not Telling.

'Is this the Candidate You Were Thinking Of?'
Let's face it, next year's Presidential race will be so crazy, no one knows who will win...... Except for the Amazing Kreskin, that is.
Yes, the card trick/mindreader/entertainer has taken a stab at political forecasting. He says he knows who will win next November - but he isn't saying. What he has done instead is to take his pick, write in on a piece of paper, and to have a Rabbi bless it, and put it in a locked safe til the election is over. I have no idea what the Rabbi was for, but I'd shake him down since he knows the answer....
Kreskin has no resume to make anyone think he's he's right, but he sounds pretty sure of himself. "I really think I've nailed it", quoteth Kreskin. Were not sure who he's picked, but for his sake we hope he isn't counting on a Tom Tancredo - Dennis Kucinich battle.


  1. Anonymous1:47 PM

    actually tancredo might not be too bad

  2. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Actually my card was the three of clubs...

    I understand though, having watched the Manchurian Candidate, that Kreskin might know which card triggers McCain's programmed instructions.
