Friday, December 28, 2007

Confused ?? A Lot of GOP Voters Are...

George Isn't the Only One..... 40% of Them Can't Stick With a Candidate.....
Only six days to go til Iowa, and a disturbing poll was released this week. Among likely GOP voters, 40% of them have changed who they would vote for in the last 30 days, and 60% said that they may change again before Super Tuesday !! I haven't seen this type of confusion since that time I drove through Harlem on Father's Day.... but I digress.
With no clear frontrunner, and most voters deciding on such concrete things as 'he sounds presidential' and 'he seems like a nice guy', it's not surprising. Voters don't vote with their brains all the time - or probably even a majority of the time, and it's sad. Voting for the president really isn't something you should get excited about - that's what football is for. It's a decision that should be made with your head - like picking a bank or a mutual fund. You decide what is important to you FIRST, then check out the candidates records - not what they say at a podium.
The Dems are not immune to the vote change, but to a lesser extent. Only 20% have changed their vote, but that's because they're all sheep anyway... They are solid on either Hillary or Obama, and that's fine with me. The GOP nomination is going to be a real dogfight, one that will go well past Super Tuesday. There is no clearcut leader, and i don't think Iowa , New Hampshire or even South Carolina will clear it up. Each has a different strategy, and none of them are playing out as planned. Don't expect the voters to clear it up either - none of them can make up their minds anyway.......


  1. Anonymous9:54 PM

    romney will win iowa and obama will take it for the losers

  2. These caucuses are so screwy, who knows for sure.. Romney has the better organization, so I'd say he's a good pick. On the Dems side, it will be insane - busloads of freshly fed people w/ crisp, new $20 bills in their pockets, all ready to vote.

  3. Anonymous10:56 AM

    But beyond masses voting "si" and hoping that Immigration is not staking out the caucuses, what real effect will the skreet money have?
