Monday, December 31, 2007

Iran to Go Nuclear By Summer 2008..

Iran announced that it will be nuclear ready by this Summer - but not quite in the way you might be thinking. Amid the controversy about Iran's attempt to develop nuclear weapons, is the fact that they have passed us in one nuclear aspect..... Yes, Iran will have their first nuclear power plant , something we haven't done since the 1970's......
They just got their latest shipment of nuclear fuel from their new buddies - Russia. It is pretty embarrassing when a third world country like Iran can get online, but we're still stuck in neutral... Even a country with enough oil like Iran knows that nuclear power is a needed option. Maybe this will get us off our butts, and start developing alternate power options.....


  1. Anonymous1:28 PM

    we certainly need more nuclear power plants and ships and planes and trains

  2. Anonymous9:59 AM

    ditto moye, though the telling thing is that Iran has the resources to generate electricity for far lower cost and risk than nuclear, particulary with Russian Chernobyl style reactors.

    Maybe Tehran expects that most Iraninas have forgotten Chrenobyl

  3. Anonymous12:29 PM

    As to stuck in neutered, thank you Jimmah Cartah, nuklear scientist...

    Though a yella dog, one of my physics profs in '76 was royally PO'ed with Carter's "claim" to be "a nuclear scientist" when he was just a USNA grad and passed Rickover's power school so he could go down with 149 guys for 90 days at a time.

    Most incompetent president in my lifetime, Carter beats both Clintons. The Clintons are competent but fixed on the power for themselves.

    So Mike are you really crossing over and voting for Obama?
