Saturday, December 08, 2007

Mike Huckabee and the Campbell's Sea Salt Chef: Twins Separated at Birth?

I know, i know.... I might have been way off in saying that Will Folks looked like the Allstate football doofus, but I think I have a match here........ Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and the Campbell's Soup chef with the sea salt.
This picture isn't that great, but it's the only one I could find. Next time the commercial comes on, check it out, and I think you'll agree with me. In fact, they could be the same guy. If you need a tie on for my conspiracy theory, I have one. Huckabee's SC Campaign Chair? MIKE CAMPBELL .
I rest my case.


  1. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Now let me see huckabee wants to over throw roe vs wade he wants to isolate all aid victims he wants to out law tobacco and alcohol but i saw him play the guitar at the governors mansion a couple of years ago and he was pretty good at that but he will not be our next president nor should he

  2. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Connection? Try salt and light.

    I could live with Huckabee, despite the wisdom against Southern Governors, though that appears to apply specifically to Democrats. He's still on my second tier of candidates though.

  3. Anonymous8:39 PM

    If it isn't Mike Huckabee, I'm a monkey's uncle. I have watched this commercial many times and am convinced it is Huckabee.

    I did a google search for Huckabee and the Sea Salt ad. I could find no proof that it was him. So, I wrote to Campbell Soup and got an answer. Now, if you believe this response, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. According to the Campbell Soup people, "The ad agencies that are used are unknown. Therefore, we do not know the actors or actresses that the ad agencies use." In a pig's eye. Of course they know who they pay to do their ads, and of course they are hiding the fact that Huckabee did the ad.

  4. Anonymous9:14 PM

    And Furthermore, Huckabee is an advocate for healthier foods, including the reduction of sodium in mass produced foods. Do a google search with Huckabee and Pepsi, you will find where he has been closely tied to a drive to make our food healthier. Does that mean that I would vote for Huckabee? Well, no! He is wrong on too many other issues

    In my opinion, Campbell Soup does not want people to know that they used Huckabee for the ad. There could be a large number of people who would boycott their products if it were revealed that the actor playing the chef was the Arkansas Republican candidate for President.

  5. Anonymous8:39 AM

    finally seen the commercial this morning on a houston station it does look like huckabee

  6. Anonymous4:18 PM

    mayhaps there's a few that still resent Campbell's pulling out of Sumter...

  7. Anonymous3:41 PM

    As soon as I saw the ad (just now) I Googled just to see if it was just me or if others saw the resemblance. I came across this post and man, oh man, am I more than ever convinced there's a relation.

  8. Glad I could tickle your conspiracy theory fancy... I was a week or two ahead of the curve on noticing this, but I have plenty of time for these things.

  9. Anonymous11:43 AM

    The actor in the Campbells sea salt commercial is Matt Servitto, who played the detective that Tony kept meeting in the car in the Sopranos. See his picture on

  10. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Huckabee is the author of a book called, "Quit Digging Your Grave with a Knife and Fork," is a book about healthy eating. I still believe it is Huckabee in the commercial but I will check ot the website to confirm that Servitto looks like the Governor.

  11. Anonymous12:36 PM

    By golly, anonymous is right. According to the New York Times, Matt Servitto is the sea salt chef, and by golly, his picture is on the IMDB website; the poor guy does look like Huckabee. Well, that mystery is solved.

  12. Anonymous6:50 PM

    I can't believe I'm not the only one who thinks this!

    Thank you for blogging this.

    At least the guy in the commercial doesn't look like a deer caught in the headlights whenever he speaks!

    "What made you think of running for President?" I can see the Huck-ster being asked.

    "It just hit me!"

  13. Anonymous4:34 PM

    You guys are all waaaay off. The guy in the Campbell's commercials is actually Sylvester Stallone. He had to do the spots cuz he's broke. Why else would he make Rambo again?

  14. Anonymous5:33 PM

    My wife and I have been saying that for weeks. Good you actually put this up. I hope Saturday Night Live does something with it this weekend. Huck gonna be on the show. Just put him in a chef's hat and have him say Seeeeeeeeeeea Saaaaaaaaaalt!!!

  15. Anonymous7:04 PM

    No more Campbell's for my family...After seeing the former pres. candiate in a ad.
