Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Ms. X - Wise Beyond Her Years....

I need to give a small apology to Ms. X - maybe it's not necessary, but I feel the need to give it. Last weekend, she told me she was considering quitting her job - a job that was very stressful and unsettling in some respects to her. Her job was pretty much the only place I saw her, so like an idiot who was feeling sorry for himself, I asked how would I see her if she quit... In hindsight , I feel like a dick.
Her work was starting to affect her health, her family life, her school, and probably a few other things I wasn't aware of, and all I seemed to care about was myself. I'm so blind sometimes, i didn't even read the comment she left correctly until tonight. Duh......
Most people get 'trapped' into a job often times. They get lured by the money, the future, or they're scared half to death of being unemployed. I've been there... But my Princess is a pretty smart cookie for a 23 yr old. She left the job that was having such a negative effect on her life. I needed to tell her now good for you. I am SO proud of you, and I should have said this Friday...... Forgive me for being selfish. Take the time off that you need, and if you need me , I am only a phone call or e-mail away.
Maybe this will open the door for us to be together away from work finally. I'm not ashamed to say that I need you - probably a lot more than you need me. Times are tough for me too, and your love and support have been golden to me. Perhaps we can see each other through this rough patch. If you need space, i'll do it - It'll suck big time !!
Once again, you did the smart thing, I'm very proud of you, and I love you, Princess !


  1. Anonymous12:42 PM

    thank you for understanding! Of course I will keep in touch, but for now, I need a little time. I appreciate all that you have done for me. Of course I'm still going to read the educated blogs by Mike Reino.

    Ms. X

  2. I went last night to tell you exactly what I wrote here, so i had an idea when you were gone...

    I wish this were happening at another time, but you gotta take care of yourself. Keep posting, and I think I'll be okay. this is tough...

    I'll miss your smile, your touch, your kisses, your crystal blue eyes, and all the fun we had in such a strange place. My heart is heavy right now, but I know soon we'll both be in a better place soon - hopefully together somehow.

    Love, Mike.

  3. Anonymous6:48 PM

    let me x was a stripper working her way through college

  4. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Let me know when you find that better place. Let me name a few. Alaska is beautiful especially the Talkeetna area anytime. I believe you spell it Cour de alene area of Idaho. Several of the small islands in the Caribean not the tourist areas. Peurto Rico has some nice places. Costa Rica has some nice women. Told you before you need to go there with me or by yourself and carry a few bucks. The jungles of Panama was not only beautiful but scary such a rush. same for Columbia. Seattle Washington is a must. The desert west of LA and the Pacific Coast Highway. This is a drop dead gorgeous world full of way to much to see and do.

  5. moye,I meant a better place where you don't go anywhere...

    anon, there are plenty of jobs that cause stress aside from stripping. She's not all up for being part of this blog, so let me just say no,and we'll be respectful to Ms. X.

  6. Anonymous11:34 PM

    nothing finer than carolina Mike and you are already there. so is your ms. x. you need to see my root doctor in berkeley county she will fix you up but good.
