Monday, December 24, 2007

Need to Break the Monotony of the Holidays? Take the Sportscenter Greatest Highlight Survey..

Tire of chatting with your Aunt Tillie about her bunyan problem for the last two hours? Well, such is how things are for Christmas. I avoid Pops so I don't have to hear bullshit stories from 1945. We all have our crosses to bear in life....

Well, if you really need to get away for a few minutes, you can take part in ESPN's Greatest Highlight Survey. They list out 100 All-time sports highlights, and you get to pick ten. The top eight get chosen, then Chris Berman adds his eight favorites. I wish I thought my opinion was as important as America's, but I imagine Berman's got an ego the size of Texas. The top 16 will be bracketed in January to find Number 1.

All you have to do is log onto , then type in greatest highlights, and then pick your favorites. There, now you have to find something else to do the rest of the day!!!!



  1. Anonymous9:35 PM

    going to check it out but if ain't got a clemson high lite then i am out of there

  2. I don't think Clemson made the list, unless they put Woody Hayes slugging the Tiger linebacker !!
