Friday, December 14, 2007

Oprah Doesn't Put Her Money Where Her Mouth Is...

Oprah Hits the road for Obama, but Her Wallet is Shut.........
Oprah Winfrey hit the pavement in key early states for Barack Obama this past week, where she drew crowds as big as 30,000 people in South Carolina. While her considerable clout has yet to be measured in Obama's success, one thing has remained zero - Winfrey's donations to the Obama campaign, and she intends to keep it that way.
In a radio interview on POTUS 08 - my new home of political info - Winfrey said she doesn't plan on giving any money to Obama. "The amount of money that I'm allowed to contribute is insignificant compared to other ways I could help." Maybe.
While the $4000 wouldn't make much of a dent in what Obama has raised, what kind of message is being sent by Winfrey? If a billionaire doesn't fork over the cash just because she has the ear of every housewife in America, why should anyone else?? I talked about it with a Hillary supporter today, and she said that she will not vote for Obama in the General Election if he makes it to November. Quite a rebuff......
While a survey among Democrats said that only 1% gave any creedence to Oprah's endorsement, it certainly has created shockwaves in the race. What say you??


  1. Anonymous1:40 PM

    She may not be giving cash but in kind is great. She definitely helps this dude as America is in love with celebrities of any type.

  2. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Yup, her lip prints on a g-string could be incriminating...
