Friday, December 21, 2007

Poll: Hillary Is Smarter than Bill..

No Duh.. If Bill were smarter, this is where they'd be living..........
A recent poll showed that a majority of Americans think that Hillary Clinton is smarter than her husband, the former President. Overall, Hillary won by a 43-29% margin, with the remaining 28% saying they are both evil....
Mrs. Clinton won the majority of both Men and Women, so it isn't just a sex thing.... That's why guys fear Hillary. Smart women scare us to death. You can't win an argument, you can't trick her - it's a lost cause. Then you end up spending your entire life timid in the corner, saying 'Yes Dear'....... I'm just kidding - I like smart chicks !
Is Hillary smarter than Bill? Does this mean that she has a free ticket to the White House based on that alone? Are they both evil?


  1. Anonymous3:41 PM

    1. Smarter than Bill? If you allow using their SAT scores, whic do come from a time that American Mensa Ltd accepts a SAT score as reflecting intelligence; she's not that much smarter (understanding that Dan Quayle probably had a higher score).
    2. Free ticket to the White House, based on that alone? Nope, though a complimentary visitor pass could be a reward for returning the furniture and silverware that disappeared just before the Bushes arrived.
    3. Both evil? As original sin!

  2. Anonymous9:42 PM

    both evil

  3. she's still cold as an icicle ... and he's just as hard as one.

  4. no varying of opinion from you guys, is there??
