Is That a Hat, or is Putin Sporting a 'Kid N Play Haircut ??
Further proving their Neo-Communist leanings once again, Time Magazine named Russian strongman Vladimir Putin it's Man of the Year. Nevermind the constant rumor that he ok'd the poisoning of a reporter that was exposing secrets in London - he seems like an okay guy !!
I can tell you that in the Ukraine, Putin is very popular for re-establising Russia as a force in Europe - even if the country is broke. Perception is everything. I wait with anticipation for the multihyphenated comments from West Rhino on this one.....
bet WR will have a good comment for sure. thought russia was doing well with all that oil money.
KGB/Russki mafia has ways of leeching filthy capitalist dollars/euros. Glasnost et al must have a population that will get off its A$$ and participate. Take the trends in US politics, less than 42% of US votes, Clinton wins re-election as POTUS. For the gloom and doom fans, it is a self-fulfilling prophecy and they might as well sit home and watch someone else's choice run the country. Take the last major municipal election in SC. Barely 10% of Charleston's voters returned Premier Riley to head his politburo on Broad Street. Suppose, following the plans executed by Bagwan Rashneesh, you flood the area with new, legitimate (at least meeting the apparent documentation requirements), voters and do something (e. Coli on your salad bar anyone?) to suppress the turn out of other voters and walk away with an election...
Let me see, isn't part of that how the Coaltion is accused of taking over the GOP a few years ago?
"It doesn't matter who votes, it matters who counts the ballots" J. Stalin
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