Monday, January 07, 2008

Breaking News: Erection 2008, Hunter to Drop Out of Race.

Duncan's Had It Up to Here With Running for President..
According to Fox News, Rep. Duncan Hunter is having a 2PM news conference to make "a major announcement". When you are running dead last in the Presidential Race, about the only major announcement you can have is that you are getting out.
Like Joe Biden and Chris Dodd, Hunter gave it a shot, but in a loaded GOP field, there is only so much room, and Hunter could not distinguish himself. He'll go back to DC, and let's hope he can get something done there. My kudos to him for seeing the writing on the wall, and hopefully Josh Gross is okay too. Where you been, buddy??


  1. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Mike - I'm on the Fred Thompson campaign now? I'm the SC Communications Director...

    Of course, this also means that Fred is the True Consistent Conservative remaining in the race...

  2. Josh, Buddy!! Good to hear from you - don't be a stranger..

  3. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Kind of like this Duncan guy

  4. When you're as far down as Hunter is, there is no announcement you can make that would be considered major.

    The only thing I'll remember him for is 1-900-Van-Hipp's appearance at the SCGOP convention, with the froth and fervor of a holy-rolling preacher that had to be one of the most over-the-top campaign appearances from one of the biggest jokes in SC politics in the last 20 years.

    ... and that was the best that guy could do. Getting out is as much a favor to himself as it is to us.
